Government Digital Strategy
This strategy sets out how government will redesign its digital services so well that people prefer to use them.
The Government Digital Strategy sets out how government will redesign its digital services to make them so straightforward and convenient that all those who can use them prefer to do so. This strategy:
- follows the March 2012 Budget commitment to digital services being the default
- has been developed collaboratively across government, as part of the Civil Service Reform Plan
- supported by departmental digital strategies, published in December 2012
- has been followed up by departmental progress summaries and cross-government progress summaries action by action
- is supported by a cross-government approach to assisted digital provision
The strategy also describes how delivering services digitally will result in savings of £1.7 to £1.8 billion each year, and commits government to the 14 actions below.
Progress with the Strategy will be reported quarterly.
The Government Digital Strategy was updated in December 2013. The first version was published in November 2012.
Updates to this page
Actions 15 and 16 added to Government Digital Strategy and text amended throughout to reflect this. Links added where appropriate to the Civil Services Capabilities plan, the Digital Services Framework and the Digital by Default Service Standard which have been launched since the strategy was first published.
First published.