Corporate report
What we've achieved across government this year
Published 10 December 2013
What we’ve achieved across government this year
November 2012
- ‘Government Digital Strategy’ published
December 2012
- departmental digital strategies published
- Government Approach to Assisted Digital published
January 2013
- Sprint 13 event, showcasing digital across government
- work begins on 25 transformation exemplars
- Performance Platform - costs of government transactions published for first time
- IT Reform Group moves into GDS
February 2013
- Memorandum of understanding signed with Estonia
March 2013
- launch of GOV.UK worldwide section and foreign travel advice
- public beta of Digital by Default Service Standard
- Open Standards Challenge - first batch of challenges published
- government blogging platform goes live
- changes to government IT governance
- Student Loans Company 24+ application live - the first live release of the exemplar programme
April 2013
- all 24 ministerial departments moved to GOV.UK
- Civil Service Capability Plan published - digital one of top 4 development priorities
- Digital by Default Service Standard and Manual go live
- GOV.UK wins Design of the Year Award
May 2013
- resources for chief technology officers published in Service Manual
- first meeting of Open Standards Board
- licensing dashboards launch on Performance Platform
- 1000th code release on GOV.UK since launch
June 2013
- consultation on Privacy and Consumer Advisory Group (PCAG)’s Identity Assurance Principles
- GOV.UK wins national award for quality of content and writing
- Assisted Digital market engagement starts
- Information Economy Industrial Strategy (IEIS) announces a new cross-government digital inclusion team to co-ordinate work to help people and businesses get online
- new GOV.UK site search released.
- GDS announced savings of £500m in 2012 to 2013 (£42m as a result of replacing Directgov and BusinessLink with GOV.UK)
July 2013
- GDS Recruitment Hub live
- Sprint Alpha event, to share progress on exemplar service transformation
- Digital Transformation dashboard launched
- lasting power of attorney beta launched on GOV.UK - first public beta release for exemplar programme
- cross-government consultation on an alpha of a new operating model for government technology
- employment tribunal fees launched on GOV.UK - second public beta for the exemplar programme
August 2013
- publication, with DemSoc, of a repository of open policy making case studies
September 2013
- adopted the first open standards for government
- Service Manager Induction and Development Programme went live
- GOV.UK had 2 million daily visits for the first time
- 5 Identity Providers on the cross-government identity assurance framework signed contracts to deliver government’s first live services
- established Common Technology Services (CTS) as part of the Office of the Government Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)
October 2013
- first Technology Leaders’ meeting
- GOV.UK 1 year old
- improved navigation and tools for business users of GOV.UK
- G-Cloud 4 released
- senior civil servants’ induction event digitally themed
- Carer’s Allowance launched on GOV.UK - third public beta for the exemplar programme
November 2013
- Sprint Share event in Birmingham
- Digital Services framework goes live
- Memorandum of Understanding signed with Republic of Korea
December 2013
- first annual review of Government Digital Strategy published