
BSL videos

Updated 12 May 2023

Multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage

I. The status and purpose of this document

The status and purpose of this document

II. Background


III. Actions for Chief Executives, Directors & Senior Managers to whom this guidance is addressed

Actions for Chief Executives, Directors & Senior Managers to whom this guidance is addressed

IV. Specific Issues to be Considered by Agencies helping children and young people

Specific Issues to be Considered by Agencies helping children and young people

V. Specific Issues to be Considered by Agencies helping adults with care and support needs

Specific Issues to be Considered by Agencies helping adults with care and support needs

Multi-agency practice guidelines: handling cases of forced marriage

1. The purpose of this document

The purpose of this document

2. Understanding the issues around Forced Marriage

Understanding the issues around Forced Marriage

3. General action to be taken in all cases

General action to be taken in all cases

4. Information required for all cases

Information required for all cases

5. Good practice: keeping victims safe

Good practice: keeping victims safe

6. Healthcare professionals: guidelines

Healthcare professionals: guidelines

7. Supporting victims with learning disabilities

Supporting victims with learning disabilities

8. Schools, colleges and universities: guidelines

Schools, colleges and universities: guidelines

9. Police officers: guidelines

Police officers: guidelines

10. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) information

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) information

11. Registrars guidelines

Registrars guidelines

12. Children’s social care: guidelines

Children’s social care: guidelines

13. Adult social care: guidelines

Adult social care: guidelines

14. Local housing authorities: guidelines

Local housing authorities: guidelines

15. Airport personnel: guidelines

Airport personnel: guidelines

Legal protections

17. National support agencies

National support agencies