
The government response to the ACMD’s advice on recently encountered novel benzodiazepines (accessible)

Published 14 May 2024

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government

Professor Owen Bowden-Jones,
Chair, Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD)
Professor Simon Thomas,
Chair of the ACMD Novel Psychoactive Substances Committee C/o 1st Floor,
Peel Building
2 Marsham Street

By email only

14 May 2024

Dear Owen and Simon,

The government response to the ACMD’s advice on recently encountered novel benzodiazepines

I am grateful to the ACMD for their self-commissioned advice on the harms of recently encountered novel benzodiazepines and related compounds. I have set out each recommendation and the government’s response below.

Recommendation 1

The ACMD recommends that the following 15 substances are classified under Class C of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, consistent other classified benzodiazepines.

  • Gidazepam

  • Desalkylgidazepam

  • Methylclonazepam

  • Cloniprazepam

  • Difludiazepam

  • Thionordazepam

  • Clobromazolam

  • 4’-Chloro-deschloroalprazolam

  • Fluclotizolam

  • Deschloroclotizolam

  • Flubrotizolam

  • Fluetizolam

  • Bentazepam

  • Bretazenil

  • Rilmazafone

Recommendation 2

The ACMD recommends that the following should be added to Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 (as amended) because they have no medicinal use in the UK. They should also be designated as controlled drugs to which section 7(4) of the 1971 Act applies.

  • Gidazepam

  • Desalkylgidazepam

  • Methylclonazepam

  • Cloniprazepam

  • Difludiazepam

  • Thionordazepam

  • Clobromazolam

  • 4’-Chloro-deschloroalprazolam

  • Fluclotizolam

  • Deschloroclotizolam

  • Flubrotizolam

  • Fluetizolam

  • Bentazepam

  • Bretazenil

  • Rilmazafone

Government response

The government accepts recommendations 1 and 2 and intends to introduce legislation to implement them, subject to Parliamentary approval.

As always, I remain extremely grateful for the expert advice provided by the ACMD. Its commitment to remaining vigilant to emerging novel substances through effective horizon scanning ensures the government can respond appropriately and in a timely manner.

Yours sincerely,

Rt Hon Chris Philp MP

Minister of State for Crime, Policing and Fire