Policy paper
Government response to the annual report on the operation of the terrorism acts in 2014
The government response to the annual report on the operation of the terrorism acts in 2014 by the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation.
This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Ref: ISBN 9781474136228, Cm. 9357
PDF, 200 KB, 11 pages
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Ref: ISBN 9781474136211, Cm. 9357
PDF, 582 KB, 14 pages
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In September 2015, David Anderson QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, published his annual report on the operation of the terrorism acts in 2014.
This government response addresses the following topics that were covered in the report:
- the threat picture
- the government, law enforcement and security and intelligence agency response
- proscribed organisations
- stop and search
- port and border controls
- arrest and detention
- criminal proceedings
- definition of terrorism
- the future of the independent reviewer
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Published 8 November 2016