English language: grade descriptors for GCSEs graded 9 to 1
Updated 6 September 2017
Applies to England
1. Grade 8
1.1 Critical reading and comprehension
In relation to a range of texts, to achieve grade 8, candidates will be able to:
- summarise and critically evaluate with detailed and perceptive understanding
- understand and respond with insight to explicit and implicit meanings and viewpoints
- analyse and critically evaluate, with insight, detailed aspects of language, grammar and structure
- substantiate their understanding and opinions with illuminating references to texts and contexts
- make convincing and apt links and comparisons within and between texts
1.2 Writing
To achieve grade 8, candidates will be able to:
- communicate with impact and influence
- produce ambitious, accomplished and effectively-structured texts
- use a wide range of well-selected sentence types and structures and precise vocabulary to enhance impact
- spell, punctuate and use grammar accurately so that writing is virtually error-free
2. Grade 5
2.1 Critical reading and comprehension
In relation to a range of texts, to achieve grade 5, candidates will be able to:
- summarise and evaluate with accuracy and clear understanding
- understand and make valid responses to explicit and implicit meanings and viewpoints
- analyse and evaluate relevant aspects of language, grammar and structure
- support their understanding and opinions with apt references to texts, informed by their wider reading
- make credible links and comparisons between texts
2.2 Writing
To achieve grade 5, candidates will be able to:
- communicate effectively, sustaining the reader’s interest
- produce coherent, well-structured and purposeful texts
- vary sentence types and structures and use vocabulary appropriate to purpose and effect
- spell, punctuate and use grammar accurately with occasional errors
3. Grade 2
3.1 Critical reading and comprehension
In relation to a range of texts, to achieve grade 2, candidates will be able to:
- describe and summarise with some accuracy and understanding
- respond in a straightforward way to most explicit information and viewpoints
- make some relevant comments about language and structure
- support their comments and opinions with some general references
- make straightforward links between texts
3.2 Writing
To achieve grade 2, candidates will be able to:
- communicate simply with some clarity for the reader
- produce texts with basic structures and some awareness of purpose
- show some control over sentence type and structure and use familiar vocabulary to some effect
- spell, punctuate and use grammar with limited accuracy