Physical education: grade descriptors for GCSEs graded 9 to 1
Updated 6 September 2017
Applies to England
1. Grade 8
1.1 To achieve grade 8 candidates will be able to:
- demonstrate and apply relevant and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of a wide range of factors affecting performance and involvement in physical activity and sport using accurate specialist terminology
- critically analyse and evaluate a wide range of information about performance to draw well-evidenced conclusions
- safely and effectively apply a wide range of appropriate techniques, strategies and/or compositional ideas demonstrating a consistently skilled and controlled performance
2. Grade 5
2.1 To achieve grade 5 candidates will be able to:
- demonstrate mostly accurate and appropriate knowledge and understanding of a range of factors affecting performance and involvement in physical activity and sport using mostly accurate specialist terminology
- analyse and evaluate a range of information about performance to draw reasoned conclusions supported by evidence
- safely apply a range of appropriate techniques, strategies and/or compositional ideas demonstrating a capable and controlled performance
3. Grade 2
3.1 To achieve grade 2 candidates will be able to:
- demonstrate some relevant knowledge and understanding of some factors affecting performance and involvement in physical activity and sport using everyday language
- interpret a range of information about performance to draw simple conclusions
- safely apply basic techniques, strategies and/or compositional ideas demonstrating some control in their performance