
Psychology: grade descriptors for GCSEs graded 9 to 1

Updated 6 September 2017

Applies to England

1. Grade 8

To achieve grade 8, candidates will be able to:

  • demonstrate relevant, comprehensive knowledge and understanding of psychological ideas, processes and procedures, and apply these correctly to both familiar and unfamiliar contexts using accurate psychological terminology
  • use a range of mathematical skills relevant to research methods in psychology
  • critically analyse psychological information, constructing a sustained line of reasoning that leads to substantiated judgements
  • critically evaluate psychological ideas and research methodology, developing well-evidenced conclusions from competing viewpoints

2. Grade 5

To achieve grade 5, candidates will be able to:

  • demonstrate mostly accurate and appropriate knowledge and understanding of psychological ideas, processes and procedures, and apply these mostly correctly to familiar and unfamiliar contexts, using mostly accurate psychological terminology
  • use some mathematical skills relevant to research methods in psychology
  • analyse psychological information, constructing an appropriate line of reasoning that leads to plausible judgments supported by some evidence
  • evaluate psychological ideas and research methodology, developing plausible conclusions, supported by some evidence, including from competing viewpoints

3. Grade 2

To achieve grade 2, candidates will be able to:

  • demonstrate basic psychological knowledge and understanding and apply, in a limited way, a few concepts, terms and theories using some psychological terminology
  • use some simple mathematical skills
  • make simple judgements with some reference to evidence
  • make basic comments that demonstrate some awareness of competing viewpoints