Guidance for conducting due diligence checks on subcontractors
Information on subcontracting due diligence requirements for ESFA funded post-16 funding (excluding apprenticeships).
Applies to England
We set out in our funding agreements and funding rules the requirement for providers we fund to carry out their own thorough due diligence checks when appointing delivery subcontractors and ensure that you continue to undertake and review these checks on an annual/ongoing basis with each of your delivery subcontractors.
The purpose of this document is to give providers additional information about this requirement and outline the information we need from them on an annual/ongoing basis.
This guidance must be read alongside our funding agreements and the associated funding rules for the provision being delivered.
Further to the consultation and subsequent response, this guidance is for the 2021 to 2022 funding year. An ESFA standard has been developed for the 2022 to 2023 funding year. This guidance will be in place until further notice.