Guidance for Local Authorities on implementing the biodiversity duty
The guidance aims to help all local authority staff to have regard to biodiversity in their work.
Local authorities play a vital role in the conservation of biodiversity, and this document provides guidance specifically aimed at helping them to implement their Biodiversity Duty. The guidance aims to help all local authority staff to have regard to biodiversity in their work, and to inform senior executives and elected members of the many opportunities to take account of biodiversity at corporate level.
The Guidance is presented in six main sections:
- Section 1 introduces the Biodiversity Duty, defining the term biodiversity, summarising the benefits of biodiversity conservation, and explaining why having regard to the conservation of biodiversity is important for all local authorities.
- Sections 2-5 provide guidance on key aspects of local authority functions and activities which relate to biodiversity. This focuses on four main themes:
Policy, Strategy and Procurement;
Management of Public Land and Buildings
Planning, Infrastructure and Development
Education, Advice and Awareness.
- Section 6 examines the implications for local authorities of implementing the Duty, including financial resources, skills and training, and measuring progress.