
A safe water supply: information for all organisations

Updated 22 January 2025

The following is important information for all organisations that rely on a safe water supply to undertake their business activities.

The risk

A potential health risk relates to Legionella in water systems, particularly those that have had low usage.

Buildings should have in place a risk assessment and a Water Safety Plan, but dormant water systems will result in bacterial growth, especially in warmer weather. Legionella, which is naturally present in water systems, causes Legionnaires’ disease which is fatal in 10% of cases. This can be avoided by following appropriate advice.

Those who need to take action

Those who need to take action are:

  • dental practices
  • hairdressers
  • hotels
  • gyms
  • sports clubs
  • office buildings (especially those with shower facilities)
  • any organisation that has a water supply and is currently shut down

Action that will reduce the risk

Regular flushing of the premises water system is required throughout the period of low usage. However, all aspects of the water management system need to be reviewed regularly, and before re-opening a business that has been closed, and necessary action will be dependent on the complexities of the system.

This may be done by a combination of workers employed by the organisation if they have the necessary skills and knowledge. However, if a water system requires disinfection, then a water consultant will be needed.

Expertise and support are available from UK Health Security Agency’s (UKHSA) Food, Water and Environmental (FW&E) microbiology services. This includes:

  • access to laboratory services
  • provision of expert advice
  • expert assistance in investigation and control

Based in 3 sites across the country our specialist laboratories can offer a microbiology testing service to meet the needs of those who require our support.

All FW&E laboratories are accredited through the United Kingdom Accreditation Services (UKAS), testing accreditation no. 1645, to ISO 17025:2017 and have ‘Official Control’ status.

Other bacterial contaminants may cause risk to public health as well as Legionella. We are happy to be contacted for advice about these and any other concerns you may have relating to water safety:




Central office

Advice and support is also available from: