Guidance for Syrian nationals in the UK on how to extend their visa
Guidance on how Syrian nationals in the UK can extend their visa based on the concessions to the Immigration Rules.
Use this guidance if you are a Syrian national in the UK wishing to extend your visa, and you want to understand the details of the concessions.
The government renewed the immigration concession for Syrian nationals on 1 March 2019. This concession gives greater flexibility to Syrian nationals who are in the UK on a visa, by offering them more ways to extend their stay in the UK.
Updates to this page
Published 13 February 2014Last updated 5 September 2022 + show all updates
Added accessible version of Concessions to the Immigration Rules for Syrian nationals.
Replaced Concessions to the Immigration Rules for Syrian nationals with a new version.
Updated link within the concessions guidance document
Updated ministerial authorisation published.
Updated guidance on the concession.
Concessions to the Immigration Rules extended for a further year.
Updated guidance.
Updated guidance
Updated guidance.
First published.