Guidance to Natural England: preventing spread of bovine TB
This document outlines what is required in order for any cull of badgers to be effective, safe and humane.
Guidance issued to Natural England by the Secretary of State under section 15(2) of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 (NERC). This is based on current scientific evidence about what is required to make sure that any cull of badgers is considered effective, safe and humane.
This replaces previous guidance issued in August 2020.
Updates to this page
Updated the guidance to Natural England.
Guidance updated following a consultation on badger vaccination and culling in England’s Edge Areas.
Guidance updated following a consultation on introducing licensed badger controls in the Low Risk Area of England.
20 July 2017 Revised Secretary of State guidance to Natural England added.
An incorrect reference in paragraph 7j, (on page 3) has been changed from “paragraph 9e” to “paragraph 7e”.
Revised Secretary of State guidance to Natural England added.
First published.