
Guide to coroner services

The 'Guide to coroner services' is intended for bereaved people and others who may be affected by a coroner investigation or are attending a coroner’s inquest.


Guide to coroner services

Canllaw i Wasanaethau Crwneriaid ar gyfer Pobl mewn Profedigaeth

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As part of the government’s work to make inquests more sympathetic to the needs of bereaved people we have refreshed the information in the ‘Guide to coroners services’ so that it is more tailored to their needs. The refreshed guide can be found in the document section of this page.

The guide provides bereaved people with an explanation of the coroner investigation and inquest process as well as links to other organisations that may also provide help and advice. Whilst the guide is focused on bereaved people, it will also be useful for others, including other interested persons and witnesses as well as members of the public who want to understand coroner processes.

The guide includes a protocol of key principles which applies when a government department has interested person status in an inquest. The protocol aims to ensure that the department recognises the need for bereaved people to be involved throughout the inquest process.

The guide is not intended as a statement of the law and does not cover every situation that might arise.

Coroners and burials statistics

What to do after someone dies

Office of the Chief Coroner

Coroners and Justice Act 2009

Updates to this page

Published 24 February 2014
Last updated 28 January 2020
  1. Guide updated.

  2. First published.

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