
Guide to DLUHC housing statistics

Published 28 February 2022

Applies to England

1. Housing stock

Dwelling stock statistics

What do the statistics show?

Total housing stock by tenure.



What are these figures most appropriate for?

An accurate assessment of the total size of housing stock, split by tenure.

  • Changes in net additions are reflected in dwelling stock each year.
  • Dwelling stock estimates of the total number of local authority owned dwellings are drawn from Local Authority Housing Statistics.

Local authority housing statistics

What do the statistics show?

Stock and condition of local authority owned housing.

Information on rents and waiting lists.



What are these figures most appropriate for?

These figures provide information on the stock, condition and changes to local authority owned properties.

English Housing Survey

What do the statistics show?

A continuous national survey of people’s housing circumstances and the condition and energy efficiency of housing in England.

A survey of two parts: an initial interview survey of around 13,300 households and a follow up physical inspection of a sub-sample of about 6,200 dwellings, including vacant dwellings.



  • Headline report: January
  • Topic reports: July

What are these figures most appropriate for?

Detailed information on the households residing in different dwelling tenures and the condition of their housing.

Estimate of the number of leasehold dwellings

What do the statistics show?

An annual estimate of the number of leasehold dwellings in England.



What are these figures most appropriate for?

Estimating the number of leasehold dwellings by tenure and dwelling type.

2. Housing supply

House supply: indicators of new supply

Provide an early estimate of housing supply.

What do the statistics show?

Quarterly estimates of:

  • new build starts
  • completions



What are these figures most appropriate for?

These figures are a leading indicator of house building.

Housing supply: net additional dwellings statistics

What do the statistics show?

Total housing supply comprising of:

  • new build completions, change of use and conversions
  • other gains/losses and demolitions



What are these figures most appropriate for?

These figures are the most comprehensive estimate of housing supply

Affordable housing supply statistics

Estimates what proportion of all dwellings is affordable.

What do the statistics show?

  • Newly built dwellings
  • Acquisitions



What are these figures most appropriate for?

These figures provide the most complete estimate of affordable housing supply.

These figures are a subset of total housing supply

Energy Performance of Buildings Certificates statistics

What do the statistics show?

Estimates of:

  • number of new build dwellings
  • floor space of dwellings



What are these figures most appropriate for?

These figures provide information on their size and efficiency.