Guide to injury-based reporting and severity adjustments for road casualty statistics
This document outlines the changes to severity recording in some police forces from 2016 and method used to adjust for this in the reported road casualty statistics.
Since 2012, some police forces have moved to injury-based reporting systems which has impacted on the number of serious and slight injuries reported, affecting trends over time. The department has developed a method to adjust for this change.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) Methodology Advisory Service have developed a methodology to quantify the effect of the introduction of injury based reporting systems on the number of slight and serious injuries reported to the police, and to estimate the level of slight and serious injuries as if all police forces were using injury-based reporting systems.
This guide provides a brief overview of the method and guidance on when to use the adjusted figures.
Full technical details of the adjustment methodology can be found in the final technical report, and the further annex.