Guidelines for services commissioned by NOMS
Commissioning intentions and service specifications for providing services for offenders, defendants, victims and the courts.
NOMS service specifications
All commissioning is supported by the NOMS service specifications. These specifications cover all services provided for offenders, defendants, victims and the courts on behalf of the Secretary of State for Justice.
The specifications do not include detail on how services should be delivered or by whom. The commissioner is ultimately responsible for defining the mix and type of services they want to commission.
NOMS commissioning intentions
The NOMS commissioning intentions plan sets out our priorities. It’s intended to promote dialogue with our existing providers as well as inform new providers and other key stakeholders (such as other government departments and the Welsh government). The final priorities then form part of the annual NOMS business plan.
NOMS evidence and segmentation document
The NOMS evidence and segmentation document provides explanatory information and evidence to help decide on the best value choice and targeting of services. This should be read alongside the NOMS commissioning intentions document.
More information about providing services for NOMS
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