Annex B: summary (DSO on a page) (accessible version)
Updated 21 April 2023
Local resolution
- for issues that are relatively minor, easily resolved and require little or no investigation
- complainant gets immediate response and, where appropriate, an apology
- action taken to put the matter right
- resolved by any appropriate staff member (Home Office, contractor, healthcare provider)
- recording in line with local procedures
Service delivery (formal complaint)
- complaint received which is not suitable for local resolution
- copied to IMB (where authority has been granted)
- accepted and allocated
- acknowledged; details of investigating officer and target date for response provided
- investigated by IRC or escorting supplier or occasionally IE manager
- written response within 20 working days following investigation to include details of escalation process to the IEC
- response quality assured by senior officer
- response copied to DS Complaints and IMB (where appropriate)
- local and central recording systems updated
Minor misconduct (formal complaint)
- complaint received
- copied to IMB (where authority has been granted)
- allocated and accepted
- acknowledged; details of investigating officer and target date for response provided
- investigated by IRC or Escorting supplier or occasionally IE manager
- written response within 20 working days following investigation to include details of escalation process to the IEC
- response quality assured by senior officer
- response copied to DS Complaints and IMB (where appropriate)
- Local and central recording systems updated
- If substantiated, guidance given to staff member; disciplinary action may be considered.
Serious misconduct (formal complaint)
- complaint received
- copied to IMB (where authority has been granted)
- allocated to Professional Standards Unit for investigation
- acknowledged; details of investigating officer and target date for response provided
- detainee Custody Officer (DCO) Certification considered for suspension
- criminal allegations referred to police
- response within 12 weeks copied to IE manager and (where appropriate) to IMB. To include details of escalation process to the PPO
- if substantiated, DCO certification (Home Office) and disciplinary action (employer) considered
- recording systems updated
Healthcare complaint (formal complaint)
- if the complaint relates to Healthcare only (treatment or staff) in England, the HO record date of complaint and received
- the complaint is then not monitored any further by HO
- referred to local healthcare provider in accordance with NHS procedures for investigation and response
- if the complaint relates to healthcare (treatment or staff) in Scotland or Northern Ireland then the detail of complainant and subject of complaint only will be sent to DS Complaints and IMB (if authority given) marked “healthcare complaint”
- the Complaints Team will log and provide a reference. Complaint referred to local healthcare manager for investigation and response
- outcome of complaint notified to DS Complaints, IMB (if authority given) and IE manager
- reply provides details of escalation process
Independent external review (ombudsman)
- complaint not resolved to satisfaction of complainant
- complaints progressing to IEC/PPO will have been thoroughly investigated through HO complaints process
- IEC will investigate appeals about responses to service delivery or minor misconduct complaints concerning detention or escorting (within 3 months of the complainant receiving the response)
PPO will investigate appeals about responses to serious misconduct complaints concerning detention or escorting (within 3 months of the complainant receiving the response)
- PHSO will investigate healthcare complaints (England) or (via an MP) complaints relating to other aspects of immigration
- DS Complaints will facilitate the escalation of healthcare complaints in detention (Scotland and Northern Ireland) to the appropriate Ombudsman
Cross-cutting complaints
Complaints including concerns about healthcare and other issues will be copied to both the onsite healthcare manager and DS Complaints Team. Each area who is allocated a complaint will be responsible for sending an acknowledgement letter setting out the aspects of the complaint for which they are responsible and the anticipated target for a response.