Policy paper

Health and Care Bill factsheets

Information about the Health and Care Bill.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government



The factsheets contain details on the measures in the Health and Care Bill 2021. They explain why they are needed and what impact they will have.

Updates to this page

Published 19 July 2021
Last updated 10 March 2022 show all updates
  1. Updated 'Health and Care Bill: integration measures' to reflect a government amendment tabled at Lords Report Stage of the Health and Care Bill to include consideration of inequalities in heath and wellbeing and the benefits services in the Triple Aim.

  2. The ‘Advertising of less healthy food and drink’ factsheet has been amended to provide a further explanation of products in scope of the policy. The date at which the policy is expected to come into force has been clarified as 1 January 2023. The exemption for 'adverts not intended for UK audiences (online only)' has been updated in line with a government amendment made at Commons Committee stage. In the ‘Arm's length body transfer of functions power’ factsheet, Public Health England has been removed from those listed as being automatically out of scope. The statement that there are no immediate plans to transfer functions of ALBs has been removed. In the ‘Integration measures’ factsheet new information has been added on proposals in the Bill for Care Quality Commission (CQC) reviews of Integrated Care Systems (ICS). The Bill proposes a new duty on the CQC to review each local ICS. The ‘Medical examiners’ factsheet has been updated to reflect that the proposed power in the Bill extends to Welsh NHS bodies to appoint medical examiners rather than only local health boards in Wales. In the ‘NHS payment scheme’ factsheet, the reference to impact of current tariff rules on hospital activity has been removed. In the ‘Provider selection and patient choice’ factsheet, the statistic for percentage of respondents agreeing or strongly agreeing with NHS England and NHS Improvement proposals in 2019 corrected from 79% to 76%. The ‘Reciprocal healthcare arrangements’ factsheet has been updated to provide information on new powers for the devolved governments when the implementation of reciprocal healthcare agreements are devolved. Two new factsheets, 'Vaccine reimbursement' and 'Virginity testing' have been added.

  3. First published.

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