HPR volume 13 issue 40: news (8 November)
Updated 20 December 2019
EVD outbreak in eastern DRC: fifteenth update
The Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) continues but transmission is showing signs of slowing. As of 6 November 2019, 3,168 confirmed and 118 probable cases have been reported in North Kivu, Ituri and South Kivu provinces [1]. Of these, 2,191 have died but 1063 patients survived the infection. Between 1 and 31 October 2019, 76 newly confirmed cases were reported, the lowest monthly total since October 2018.
The number of health zones reporting active transmission has also declined; of the 29 zones which have reported at least one case since August 2018, only 7 have had new confirmed cases in the last 21 days [2]

Data source: WHO.
Violent attacks against the response have again occurred and most recently resulted in the destruction of health facilities [3] and the death of an Ebola response worker [4].
The WHO IHR Emergency Committee reconvened on 18 October 2019 [5]. Its view was that this event still constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
The risk to the UK public remains very low to negligible. The situation is being monitored closely and the risk assessment regularly reviewed.
Further information sources
- GOV.UK Ebola virus disease: clinical management and guidance
- NaTHNaC website travel advice Travel Health Pro website
- WHO website EVD homepage Ebola virus disease
- FCO travel advice DRC advice
WHO Dashboard (updated daily).
WHO (5 November 2019). External Situation Report 66.
French language media (7 November 2919). Beni: des motos et médicaments incendiés par les Maï-Maï au centre de santé Ngoyo en cité de Mangina.
WHO statement (4 November 2019). WHO statement.
Infection reports in this issue
This issue includes: