Heat Pump Ready Programme: Stream 2 (closed to applications)
The programme supports the development and demonstration of heat pump technologies and tools, and solutions for optimised deployment of heat pumps.
The Heat Pump Ready Programme Stream 2, Developing Tools and Technology, supports the development of tools, technology and processes to overcome specific barriers to domestic heat pump deployment in the UK through grant funding.
It aims to develop solutions that:
- reduce the life time cost and increase the performance of domestic heat pumps
- minimise home disruption while providing high quality installations
- develop and trial financial models to support heat pump deployment
- improve the heat pump consumer journey
- provide a smart and flexible home energy system
The solutions supported in this Stream must be:
- hardware at Technology Readiness Levels 5 to 7 at the start of a funded projects, reaching Technology Readiness Level 8 to 9 by project completion
- software at Discovery and Alpha Phases at the start of a funded project, reaching Live Phase by project completion
How to apply
Stream 2 closed to applications in February 2022.
Updates to this page
Stream 2 Questions with responses updated.
Project cost breakdown form updated.
Stream 2 questions with responses updated.
Added guidance on how to apply, and updated questions and responses.
Competitions questions with responses and editable declaration documents added.
First published.