Helping NHS foundation trusts adopt best financial practice
Measures to help NHS foundation trusts adopt best financial practice.
Applies to England
Monitor has identified 4 main initiatives to help address the challenges faced by the NHS to simultaneously improve quality, meet access targets and drive up productivity.
When buying consultancy services you can find out more information using the links below including identifying the right procurement route and the regulatory context within which to work:
- the current procurement regulations which govern public sector procurement
- the government recommended process for delivering procurement projects: the ‘Lean sourcing process’ and a procurement route decision tree
- the current expenditure thresholds
- the government’s procurement policy notes providing guidance on best practice for public sector procurement
Trusts may wish to seek legal advice where appropriate.
June 2016: update on consultancy business cases
When operating as Monitor we’d intended to publish outcomes of consultancy panel cases. Since becoming part of NHS Improvement we’ve started looking at new arrangements for this and instead will decide on a standardised approach to releasing information only once these are in place.
Updates to this page
Added an update on consultancy business cases
We've published some additional resources to help providers manage consultancy services.
Published engagement document on nursing agency spend.
We have published the FAQs and guidance for writing business cases.
First published.