Hepatitis B: the green book, chapter 18
Hepatitis B immunisation information for public health professionals.
Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Many individuals with a new infection with hepatitis B may have a sub-clinical or a flu-like illness. Jaundice only occurs in about 10% of younger children and in 30 to 50% of adults. Acute infection may occasionally lead to fulminant hepatic necrosis, which is often fatal.
Updates to this page
Published 20 March 2013Last updated 11 March 2025 + show all updates
Updates to note that PreHevbri is no longer available in the UK and to provide a clear description of the types of significant exposure.
Corrected table numbers in table headings.
Corrected contents of PreHevBri.
Updated to remove the single booster dose in healthy immunocompetent adults who have completed a primary course, advice for pre-exposure vaccination of recipients of solid organ transplants, more detail on assessing occupational risk and inclusion of 2 new adult vaccines. Signposting to clinical guidance on management of the pregnant woman, including use of antiviral treatment in third trimester.
Updated table 18.4, description under table 18.1 and dosage section on page 5.
Removed previous edition of chapter.
Revised table 18 (August 2017 version): amended Hepatitis B prophylaxis for reported exposure incidents.
Revised hepatitis B green book chapter.
Chapter amended to clarify Thiomersal preservative is not used in hepatitis B vaccines available in the UK.
This chapter has been updated with minor editorial amends plus 1 change in policy: for travellers who have completed the primary course of vaccination, a booster at 5 years is no longer recommended.
Updated Body text to include link to Green Book chapter update patches on the National Archives website. Added link to NHS choices.
First published.