Hepatitis B: vaccine recommendations during supply constraints
Vaccine recommendations for adults and children during periods of vaccine supply constraints.
Hepatitis B vaccine supplies
Update (20 November 2018): The overall supply of hepatitis B vaccine to the UK has improved and vaccine is available for all indications. The temporary recommendations and other related documents will remain on gov.uk in case of future supply constraints as the same principles of prioritisation will apply.
If a vaccine order cannot be fulfilled by one manufacturer, please check with another.
As forecasts are dependent on expected deliveries and sales, we will continue to monitor the situation and post monthly updates in Vaccine Update.
Plan for phased re-introduction of hepatitis B vaccine for lower priority groups 2018.
Improved supplies of hepatitis B vaccine are expected in 2018. This provides an update on the phased reintroduction of monovalent hepatitis B vaccine and advice on accessing vaccine for more patient and health and social care staff groups.
Hepatitis B: vaccine recommendations during supply constraints
Hepatitis B immunisation recommendations have been developed in light of the recent global shortages of hepatitis B vaccine affecting the UK supply.
These recommendations include advice on prioritisation and dose sparing to preserve adult and paediatric monovalent hepatitis B vaccine stock for those at highest immediate need.
Temporary addendum on use of combined hepatitis A and B vaccine in travellers
This provides further advice on prioritisation of travellers now that supply of combined hepatitis A and B vaccine has improved.
What to do if you have to wait for a dose of hepatitis B vaccine: advice for patients
This factsheet has been produced for healthcare workers to download and give to patients who have to wait to have hepatitis B vaccination due to vaccine shortages.
Updates to this page
Added 20 November 2018 update regarding vaccine supply.
GSK is confident that planned supplies of adult and paediatric vaccine (Engerix B®) and renal vaccine (Fendrix®) are now sufficient to supply the UK market. PHE and DHSC have agreed to accelerate the phased reintroduction of vaccine outlined in the recovery plan, so that vaccine is now available for all priority groups 1 to 4.
Improved supplies of hepatitis B vaccine are expected in 2018. This guidance provides an update and advice on accessing vaccine for more patient groups.
Added further advice on using combined hepatitis A and B vaccine in travellers.
Revised guidance on vaccine during periods of vaccine supply constraints.
Added: factsheet for healthcare workers to give to patients who have to wait for a dose of hepatitis B vaccine.
Factsheet removed.
Added factsheet for healthcare workers to give to patients who cannot have hepatitis B vaccination due to vaccine shortages.
Updated guidance as of 4 August 2017.
First published.