Hepatitis C: patient re-engagement exercise
Information for GPs and Operational Delivery Networks (ODNs) about the NHS England and Public Health England (PHE) initiative to support finding and treating diagnosed patients.
The original hepatitis C: patient re-engagement exercise was partly carried out by Public Health England (PHE) which has now been superseded by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). This is why the original materials carry the PHE brand, but the evaluation refers to UKHSA
See the process and outcome evaluations of the hepatitis C: patient re-engagement exercise.
Untreated hepatitis C infection causes cirrhosis and liver cancer. Very effective, well-tolerated oral therapies are now available on the NHS.
To enable people previously diagnosed with hepatitis C to be treated for their infection, NHS England and the PHE organised a national ‘patient re-engagement exercise’ to help find and treat people with hepatitis C virus infection.
These documents provide further information and templates to support GPs and ODNs to deliver this important initiative.
Updates to this page
Added link to new report: Evaluation of the hepatitis C: patient re-engagement exercise.
Revised guidance about the use of unscreened or non-heat treated blood transfusion or blood products in the UK prior to 1991 in Hepatitis C: information for GPs and for patients. Reformatted both pdf documents to html.
Added the revised guidance for Operational Delivery Networks and 2 template letters to support the patient re-engagement exercise.
Added revised version of Hepatitis C: information for GPs.
First published.