
Hexavalent combination vaccine: programme guidance

Guidance for healthcare professionals on the hexavalent vaccine programme for babies born after 1 August 2017.

Applies to England



All babies born on or after 1 August 2017 are eligible for the hexavalent vaccine, which includes hepatitis B (HepB), for their primary immunisations.

In 2022, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) will supply Vaxelis® in addition to Infanrix hexa® for use in the primary immunisation schedule.

This document provides information about the 2 hexavalent vaccines for healthcare practitioners who are involved in delivering or advising on the infant primary vaccination programme. Although originally published as 2 separate documents in 2017 (routine programme guidance and selective programme guidance) this updated version combines these 2 documents.

Updates to this page

Published 5 July 2017
Last updated 13 May 2024 show all updates
  1. Added updated guidance and training slide set.

  2. Updated information on incomplete or uncertain vaccination histories and stability of Vaxelis.

  3. Added updated information for healthcare practitioners and link to updated training slide set.

  4. Updated with revised infant PCV schedule and removed Hepatitis B pre-school booster recommendation.

  5. Routine programme guidance has been updated to include additional information about action to take when hexavalent vaccine is given when pentavalent should have been given.

  6. The routine and selective guidance documents have been revised to comply with accessibility guidelines.

  7. First published.

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