Heylo Housing Registered Provider Limited
The Regulator of Social Housing's view of how well Heylo Housing Registered Provider Limited is meeting regulatory standards.
Applies to England
Regulatory judgements are our published view of how well a landlord is delivering the outcomes of our standards. Each landlord’s page contains their current judgement.
See the regulatory judgements table for a full list of judgements. You can find more information about how we approach regulatory judgements and gradings. An A-Z of providers is also available.
Archived regulatory judgements and PDF versions of regulatory judgements are available on request. Please contact the Regulator of Social Housing by emailing enquiries@rsh.gov.uk or telephone 0300 124 5225 with your request.
You can also create a PDF of a judgement using the ‘print this page’ button on the left side.
Updates to this page
Published 7 July 2022Last updated 21 December 2022 + show all updates
Regulatory judgement added and Grading under Review removed.
First published.