Higher Tier Capital Grants 2023: Countryside Stewardship
Read the agreement holder’s guide for agreements starting on or after 5 January 2023 until 31 December 2023.
Applies to England
Read the agreement holder’s guide to find out how to manage your agreement and make a claim for payment.
Contact Rural Payments Agency
You can contact RPA by email, phone or post.
Rural Payments Agency (CS)
PO Box 324
S95 1DF
Email: ruralpayments@defra.gov.uk
Telephone: 03000 200 301
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm, except bank holidays
Find out about call charges
Updates to this page
On the landing page, text for applicants removed and wording updated for agreement holders.
Due to cross compliance ending, updated references in the Higher Tier Capital Grants 2023 agreement holder's guide and the applicant's guide.
Updated section 3.4.4 Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) pilot to say you can apply for the CS Higher Tier Capital Grants offer on land parcels included in an SFI pilot standards agreement.
Update to Applicant's guide to include options SB5, WN1, WN2, WN3, WN4 and to reinforce message that applicants can only apply for one HT Capital Grants agreement per SBI in any calendar year.
First published.