Highways Agency business plan 2014 to 2015
Highways Agency's programme of work to support the government's objectives. Contains information on structure, budget and performance measurement.
The business plan has 11 sections:
- forewords
- introduction
- business context
- preparing for the future
- delivering our services
- performance specification
- a strategic road network that supports and facilitates economic growth
- a strategic road network that is maintained to a safe and serviceable condition
- an efficiently and effectively operated strategic road network
- a strategic road network that minimises its negative impacts on users, local communities and the environment
- a strategic road network that balances the needs of individuals and businesses that use and rely on it
The 2014 to 2015 business plan published on 28 March 2014 is an update of the 2013 to 2014 business plan published in April 2013.
As part of the government’s transparency commitment, all departments are required to publish business plans. They set out in unprecedented detail the public sector reforms that the government is undertaking, helping the public to hold government to account.