Transparency data

HMCTS Board meeting summary - 26 March 2021

Published 28 May 2021

1. Present HMCTS Members:

Board member Role
Tim Parker Independent Chairman
Victoria Cochrane Senior Independent Non-Executive Member
Lakh Jemmett Non-Executive Member
Nicky Wilden Non-Executive Member & Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Chair
Kevin Sadler Acting Chief Executive
Andrew Baigent Chief Financial Officer
Gemma Hewison Strategy and Change Director
Paul Harris Acting Operations Director
Annabel Burns Judicial & Legal Services Policy Directorate Director – MoJ Representative
Lady Justice Kate Thirlwall Senior Presiding Judge (SPJ)
District Judge Tim Jenkins Judicial Board member

1.1 Presenters and additional attendees:

Name Role
Lord Justice Charles Haddon-Cave Deputy Senior Presiding Judge (DSPJ)
Jan Gower Non-Executive Change Portfolio Board member/Critical Friend
Catherine Blair Strategic Finance Deputy Director
  HMCTS Board Secretary
  Head of HMCTS Corporate Governance & Board Secretariat

2. Welcome and Introductions

Tim Parker welcomed attendees to the meeting and explained that, as was customary, the Senior President of Tribunals would not be joining the meeting as its purpose was to discuss the advice of which he would be a joint recipient.

3. HMCTS Allocations 2021 to 2022

The Board discussed the details of the proposed financial settlement from MoJ for 2021 to 2022.

Having applied reasonable assumptions and judgements, the Board agreed that a letter should be drafted to the Lord Chief Justice and Senior President of Tribunals to inform them that the proposed financial allocation from MoJ to HMCTS had been considered by the Board and setting out the conclusions from this meeting with reference to the points raised in the paper. It was confirmed that the draft of this letter would be circulated, along with the letter from the Lord Chancellor to the Lord Chief Justice and Senior President of Tribunals, to Board members out of committee for final approval.