
HMCTS financial remedy courts

List of regional financial remedy courts and local family hearing venues.

Applies to England and Wales



You should send your notice of financial application (Form A) and the £303 fee to your regional financial remedy court if you:

  • have already applied for a divorce
  • do not agree on your financial settlement
  • are applying to end a civil partnership
  • are applying for a judicial separation
  • are applying for an annulment

Find out if you can get help to pay the fee.

We will send you an email or letter with the details of the court that will be managing your case – this may be your regional court or a local hearing venue. Your letter will tell you if you should make any further contact with the regional court or the local venue.

Send all other financial remedy documents or forms to:

HMCTS Financial Remedy
PO BOX 12746
CM20 9QZ

If you are a legal representative, you should submit forms and documentation using MyHMCTS.

For further information, please visit the guidance on money and property when you divorce or separate.

Updates to this page

Published 24 November 2020
Last updated 1 May 2024 show all updates
  1. Updated fee information

  2. Added contact information for the local hearing venues for Humberside and South Yorkshire

  3. First published.

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