HMRC compliance with public sector equality duties: 2016 to 2017
How HMRC has complied with its public sector equality duties.
This report contains equality information required by Regulation 2 of the Equality Act Specific Duty Regulations (SI 2011/2260).
It shows how the department complies with the public sector equality duty in Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 in relation to its diversity and inclusion, customer service, and policy administration activities. It covers the year from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017.
The complete report is included in the pdf version, and has been split into 3 accessible html documents:
- Part 1: our customer service and policy work
- Part 2, section 1: our workforce by age, disability, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation
- Part 2, section 2: the diversity of our workforce in key areas