HMRC major projects: appointment letters for Senior Responsible Owners
HMRC appointment letters and briefing pack for Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) Senior Responsible Owners (SROs).
Each government department publishes the letters of appointment for their Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) Senior Responsible Owners (SROs). These letters include the date of appointment, the project deliverables, what the SRO is responsible for and how long the role is expected to last.
The guidance for officials giving evidence to Parliamentary Select Committees, known as the Osmotherly Rules was updated on 17 October 2014. As part of this update we are committed to publishing GMPP SRO letters of appointment.
Archived documents
Previously published letters of appointment are available on The National Archives website.
Updates to this page
Published appointment letter for the Senior Responsible Owner for the Single Customs Platform programme, and removed previous version.
Removed Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the Protect Connect Programme as the programme has ended.
Removed Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) appointment letters for the Single Customer Account, Unique Customer Record and Pensions programmes as these are no longer part of the Government Major Projects Portfolio. Replaced SRO appointment letter for Making Tax Digital with joint appointment letters. Added SRO appointment letter for the Technical Health Programme.
Removed Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) appointment letters for the Enterprise Security Programme and the Critical Platform Transformation (both replaced by Technical Health Programme), and also the Securing our Technical Future programme and Our Future CDIO Programme (both have left the Government Major Projects Portfolio process).
The Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) appointment letter for the Data Protection Remediation Programme has been removed as this is no longer a Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP); the SRO appointment letter for the Unity Programme has been updated.
Removed Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the Borders and Trade Infrastructure Programme after formal closure of the programme.
Published appointment letter for the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for the Protect Connect programme and removed previous version. Also removed SRO letters for the Northern Ireland Delivery Programme and Trader Support Service programme.
Removed Senior Responsible Owner appointment letters for the Payments Programme and the Debt Respite Programme from the page (both can still be viewed using the link to The National Archives).
Published appointment letter for the Senior Responsible Owner for the Locations programme and removed previous version from this page (previous versions can be found on The National Archives website).
Published appointment letter for the Senior Responsible Owner for the Borders and Trade Infrastructure Programme and removed previous version from this page (it is still available on The National Archives website.
Senior Responsible Owner appointment letters have been removed from projects which are now closed: Technology Sourcing Programme, Contact Engagement Programme, and Borders and Trade Release 2 Programme (these letters are still available through the link to The National Archives at the end of the page).
Published appointment letter for the Senior Responsible Owner for the Single Customs Platform Programme.
Published Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the Northern Ireland Delivery Programme.
Published Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the Pensions Programme, and removed previous version of this from the page (still available through the link to The National Archives website).
Added Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the Our Future CDIO Programme.
Published Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the Payments Programme.
Published Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the Borders and Trade Infrastructure Programme.
Published Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for Single Trade Window Programme.
Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the Trader Support Service programme has been updated due to the programme being extended to the end of December 2023.
Published Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the Contact Engagement Programme.
Published Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the Unity Programme.
Published Senior Responsible Owner appointment letters for Technology Sourcing Programme (removed previous) and Debt Respite Programme.
Published Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the Data Protection Remediation Programme.
Published appointment letter for Senior Responsible Owner for Unique Customer Record Programme.
Published Senior Responsible Owner appointment letters for the Critical Platform Transformation Programme, the Pensions Programme and the Single Customer Account Programme.
Published new appointment letter for the Enterprise Security Platform Senior Responsible Owner and removed the previous version.
Added appointment letter for Senior Responsible Owner for Securing our Technical Future and deleted previous version.
Published Senior Responsible Owner for the Trader Support Service programme appointment letter, and an updated Senior Responsible Owner for the Making Tax Digital programme appointment letter (June 2021).
Published Senior Responsible Owner for the Enterprise Security Programme appointment letter.
Added appointment letter for Senior Responsible Owner for the Borders and Traders Release 2 programme.
Added appointment letter for Senior Responsible Owner for the Protect Connect Programme.
Published 'Making Tax Digital programme SRO appointment letter', which replaces the 'Making Tax Digital for Business programme SRO appointment letter' from 2018 (now removed and archived).
Added Technology Sourcing Programme Senior Responsible Officer (permanent) appointment letter and deleted Technology Sourcing Programme Senior Responsible Officer (interim) appointment letter
Published appointment letter for Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for the Securing our Technical Future Programme.
Removed Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) letter for the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) after the programme closed, as planned.
Published appointment letter for Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for the Technology Sourcing Programme.
Removed Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) letter for the Tax-Free Childcare programme after the programme was formally closed in May 2020.
The briefing pack for government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) Senior Responsible Owners (SROs) was updated.
Government Gateway SRO Appointment letter removed as programme has now closed.
Columbus programme SRO appointment letter removed following the programme’s closure.
Archived Compliance for the Future Programme SFO appointment letter.
Most recent appointments added, and previous ones removed.
Page updated to remove the document ‘Making Tax Digital for Individuals programme: SRO appointment letter’ - the Making Tax Digital for Individuals programme, as a Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) Programme, has formally closed. A number of projects to support our individuals customer group have moved into other programmes.
Updated with the 2017 briefing pack, and SRO appointment letters for the following programmes: Building Our Future Locations, Columbus, Compliance for the Future, Customs Transformation, Making Tax Digital for Business, Making Tax Digital for Individuals, Tax-Free Childcare
Updated with Building Our Future, Customs Declaration Services, Columbus and Tax-Free Childcare SRO appointment letters, and 2016 briefing pack.
First published.