VAT output tax toolkit
Get help if you’re a tax agent or adviser who has clients who must complete VAT Returns for VAT output tax.
This toolkit helps and supports tax agents and advisers who complete returns on behalf of clients.
It may also be useful to anyone completing a return.
Tax agents and advisers who do not complete their client’s return can use it when advising clients about VAT or for reviewing their VAT declarations at the end of the year.
Updates to this page
The agent toolkit for VAT output tax has been revised for 2020.
Agent toolkit for VAT output tax updated for 2019.
The Agent toolkit for VAT output tax has been updated for 2016 to 2017.
Revised VAT output toolkit (December 2016) published.
VAT output toolkit updated for 2015 to 2016.
Agent toolkit for VAT Output Tax has been updated.
First published.