Corporate report

HMRC engagement forums

Updated 8 January 2025

Forums starting with ‘A’

Groups and forums

Additional Needs Working Group

This group helps customers who may need help with HMRC services to engage with us effectively to pay their correct tax or claim the benefits to which they are entitled as we move to digital. The focus is on disabled customers and HMRC’s responsibility to the Public Sector Equality Duty and the Equalities Act.

Administrative Burdens Advisory Board

This supports HMRC in the delivery of improvements in the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) business population, making it easier, quicker and cheaper for SMEs to deal with tax system. It provides an external and independent challenge function and small business insight.

Agents Digital Design Advisory Group (ADDAG)

This group provides a collaborative and transparent environment where members can steer the tactical and strategic development of HMRC’s digital services for agents from the early stages of policy development to tackling issues with live services.

Agent Support Group

This gathers views of smaller ‘high street’ agents, bookkeepers and their clients through professional bodies not represented at Representative Body Steering Group. It looks at tax agent policy, strategy, agent services and associated agent programmes.

Forums starting with ‘B’

Groups and forums

Big 6 Tax Advisory Board

A consultation group of professional services firms representing Large Business clients with a focus on compliance in that community.

Business Application Software Developers Association Forum

CDIO forum with mainly members of the Business Application Software Developers Association.

Business Representatives Organisations Forum

The forum provides opportunity to guide the UK’s top Business Representative Organisations (BROs) through the latest customs policy and messaging and invite feedback. It also provides opportunities for policy co-design discussions, maintaining and building relationships and credibility with key stakeholders and customer representative bodies.

Business Tax Forum

The forum fosters a stronger relationship and greater understanding between large businesses, HMRC and HM Treasury at a strategic level. It is focussed on improving the administration of the tax system, implementation of government policy and understanding the commercial environment and concerns of business.

Forums starting with ‘C’

Groups and forums

Capital Taxes Liaison Group

This group is for HMRC and representatives of tax advisers and the accountancy profession, law societies, HM Treasury, and others to discuss, explain and explore how Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax and the taxation of trusts work and how they might work better.

Changes to the taxation of non-UK domiciled individuals

This is a joint subgroup comprising of representative bodies who are members of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) existing Wealthy External Forum and Capital Taxes Liaison Group.

Changing Self-Employed Basis Period Reform

Semi-temporary forum which will be closed when Basis Period Reform (BPR) is implemented. The BPR forum is a sounding board on the implementation of BPR for small business.

Charity Tax Forum

An HMRC-sponsored forum that enables HMRC and people representing the charity sector, tax advisers, accountancy professionals, law societies and others to discuss and review, frankly and openly, tax issues that affect charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs).

Charter Stakeholder Group

This group discusses with representatives of the tax and accountancy community how the Charter is being reflected in taxpayer, and agent experience of dealing with HMRC. It provides formal input for HMRC’s performance against Charter Standards for inclusion in the annual report.

Chattels Valuation Forum

This forum provides an opportunity to exchange views and opinions on technical and practical matters specifically related to the valuation of chattels for tax purposes.

Collection of Student Loans Forum

This forum enables HMRC to consult with employer representatives, intermediaries and payroll specialists to advise, raise and discuss issues, concerns or problems for employers in administering their student loan obligations. It provides an opportunity to obtain feedback on the implications of potential changes to related products and processes, including regulatory changes. It is a subgroup of the Employment and Payroll Group.

Community System Providers (CSP) Surgery

This brings together the 5 Community System Providers, HMRC’s Strategic Customer Managers, CDIO and Customs 25 teams to discuss and resolve Customs Declaration System (CDS) related issues and provide opportunity for early consultation and discovery work with the trade before release.

Compliance Reform Forum

This forum consults and communicates with representative organisations on changes to HMRC compliance checking activities, focussing especially on views of tax agents and their clients.

Construction Forum

This forum acts as a policy advisory group, building a stronger relationship between HMRC and construction sector representatives. The forum provides a platform to discuss the Construction Industry Scheme, changes in taxation issues affecting the construction sector and exploration of the implications of those changes with experts from professional bodies and industry.

Construction Working Group

This group engages directly with Large Business customers and their tax agents in relation to tax compliance for the construction sector, currently on an ad hoc basis.

Cryptoassets Industry Stakeholder Group

This is a discussion forum for HMRC and industry participants operating in this sector.

Cryptoassets Professionals Stakeholder Group

This provides a discussion forum for HMRC and the tax and legal professionals operating in this sector.

Customer Experience Advisory Group Subgroup

This subgroup of the Compliance Reform Forum collaborates on projects and co-creates new solutions to the customer journey through tax compliance to enable HMRC to support our customers and demystify the customer journey wherever possible.

Customer Journey Agent and Voluntary Sector Stakeholder Group

This provides the opportunity for HMRC to gather insight from the voluntary sector customers/agent and client perspective when interacting with HMRC. This enables HMRC to further understand the existing pain points through the lens of professional bodies and the voluntary sector.

Forums starting with ‘D’

Groups and forums

DigiRAS Collaboration Forum

This provides a platform to engage with external stakeholders to ensure industry input into the design and modernisation of digitisation of relief at source.

Digitalisation of ISA Collaboration Forum

This forum engages with external stakeholders to gather industry input into the design and modernisation of the Digital ISA reporting system.

Dispute Resolution Group

This subgroup of the Compliance Reform Forum enables HMRC to consult with external stakeholders about the operation of HMRC dispute resolution processes such as statutory reviews and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Forums starting with ‘E’

Groups and forums

Employment and Payroll Group

The principal forum for HMRC, and other government departments, to engage with the employment and payroll community to explain and explore implications of potential changes to policies, products and processes, issues or problems in administering employment taxes or payroll. The focus is on high-level operational policy and process issues.

Employment Status and Intermediaries (ESI) Forum

This forum improves the way the off-payroll working rules and employment status are administered, including the scope of employment status, specific chapters of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act (ITEPA) and legal and commercial arrangements through which labour is supplied. It is a subgroup of the Employment and Payroll Group.

Expenses and Benefits Forum

This forum operates as a subgroup of the Employment and Payroll Group and focusses specifically on employment expenses and benefits policy issues.

Expert Panel on Promoting Digital Channel Shift for Income Taxes

This helps HMRC improve customer service experiences and achieve its performance delivery targets across the range of Income Tax services, providing opportunities for stakeholders to feel engaged with the digital transformation of Income Tax.

Forums starting with ‘G’

Groups and forums

Guidance Strategy Forum

This provides an opportunity to influence the direction of HMRC’s guidance strategy, test thinking on guidance direction and plans, and increase understanding of different user needs.

Forums starting with ‘I’

Groups and forums

Individuals Stakeholder Forum

This engages and consults with the voluntary and community sector and other organisations representing the diverse needs of our individual customers.

Inland Revenue Electronic Exchange Network (IReeN)

This forum, which is due to be renamed. provides opportunity to engage on issues relating to Inland Revenue Electronic Exchange Network.

Insurance Liaison Group

A forum for HMRC and insurance industry representatives to improve understanding of the insurance industry and its needs, exchange views, discuss related matters and collaborate to improve internal and external processes.

ISA Stakeholder Forum

A forum for HMRC and ISA representatives to improve the operation of ISAs for HMRC and its customers.

Issues Overview Group

The group ensures that systemic widespread issues raised by the professional bodies, their members and HMRC, are reviewed, resolved or escalated appropriately. This is a subgroup of the Representative Body Steering Group and linked to the Agent Online Forum issues.

Forums starting with ‘J’

Groups and forums

Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement

This brings together financial institutions, tax authorities and Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) to build common understanding of threats, share indicators and provide intelligence to drive operational activity.

Joint Customs Consultative Committee (JCCC)

This was established to exchange views on and discuss proposed changes to customs procedures and documentation relating to the entry and clearance of goods.

Joint Excise Consultation Group

This group brings together stakeholders to drive collaborative action to reduce illicit trading of excise goods and support legitimate business through a level playing field.

Joint Money Laundering Taskforce (JMLIT) Tax Crime and Evasion Group

One of the 4 standing ‘Threat Groups’ under the JMLIT. The Tax Crime and Evasion Threat Group meets regularly and commissions activity on priority tax crime and evasion threats.

Joint VAT Consultative Committee (JVCC)

The JVCC exchanges views between HMRC and representative organisations about VAT procedures and operations to help HMRC better understand the needs of business customers and taxpayers.

Joint VAT Consultative Committee (JVCC) Multiple Rates of Tax Subgroup

This is a subgroup of the Joint VAT Consultative Committee (JVCC).

Joint VAT Consultative Committee (JVCC) VAT Registration Subgroup

This is a subgroup of the Joint VAT Consultative Committee (JVCC).

Forums starting with ‘L’

Groups and forums

Land and Property Liaison Group

This provides an opportunity for HMRC and nominated representatives from trade bodies with an interest in VAT issues relating to land, property and construction, to exchange views, discuss pertinent matters, and consolidate HMRC’s understanding of its customers.

Large Business London Banking Sector Forum

The forum provides an opportunity for discussion and sharing of best practice, particularly in relation to implementation of new legislation. It also helps HMRC deliver educational messages relating to tax compliance and helps banks to sight HMRC on upcoming sector wide issues.

Larger Professional Services Firms

The group fosters a stronger relationship and greater understanding between HMRC and larger professional services firms. It discusses tax issues which specifically impact these firms and their clients to promote closer working.

Forums starting with ‘M’

Groups and forums

Making Tax Digital (MTD) Advisory Forum

This covers a range of Making Tax Digital (MTD) related topics with main accountancy professional bodies and MTD programme trusted advisers. It aims to identify member areas of concern, discuss, consider and progress these items towards an acceptable solution.

Making Tax Digital (MTD) Co-Creation

This enables co-creation for collaborative design between HMRC, customers and stakeholders with the aim of solving problems, coming up with new ideas and improving the overall design of the MTD policy and service, one key issue at a time.

Making Tax Digital (MTD) Landlord Advisory Group

This forum provides the opportunity to discuss and progress MTD matters with landlord representatives.

Making Tax Digital (MTD) Larger Professional Service Forum Subgroup

This is a specific forum for Larger Professional Services Firms (the top 12 accountancy firms in the UK) to discuss and progress their identified issues and concerns around Making Tax Digital and the particular impacts and effects on larger firms.

Making Tax Digital Programme Progress Forum (MTD PPF)

This provides a quarterly virtual update on Making Tax Digital progress for the past 3 months, and a view of what is coming, for our external software, business and agent partners.

Making Tax Digital (MTD) Technical Delivery Forum

This forum provides opportunities for software developers to discuss the more technical elements of Making Tax Digital that may be causing difficulties. It is also a space where HMRC can obtain feedback on planned changes or suggestions.

Making Tax Digital Trade Advisory Group

This forum provides the opportunity to discuss and progress MTD matters with trade bodies.

Managing Pension Scheme Workshop

This involves facilitated discussions and prioritisation of issues related to the digital transformation of the pensions tax service and addressing industry concerns.

Mid-Sized Business (MSB) External Forum

This meets ad hoc online to enable HMRC to provide updates on its work around mid-sized business.

Forums starting with ‘O’

Groups and forums

Offshore Forum (No Safe Havens)

This forum ensures delivery of the 2019 No Safe Havens strategy. The strategy sets out how HMRC will tackle offshore non-compliance through leading internationally, assisting compliance, and responding appropriately.

One to Many Compliance Advisory Board (OCAB)

OCAB is an external group created to support the design and effectiveness of One to Many (OTM) projects. HMRC uses the forum to consult representative organisations around planned OTM compliance activities.

Forums starting with ‘P’

Groups and forums

Pensions Industry Stakeholder Forum

This forum focusses on the operational impact of pensions tax legislation.

Forums starting with ‘R’

Groups and forums

Representative Body Steering Group

This meets HMRC’s public commitment to consult with customers on all major policy and operational issues and put them at the heart of everything it does.

Research and Development Communication Forum

This discusses the operational delivery of Research and Development (R&D) tax relief schemes.

Research and Development Representative Bodies Working Group

This works collaboratively to discuss common issues and concerns and to identify opportunities to work together to support the genuine spirit of the legislation and tackle abuse within the regime.

Review of Tax Administration for larger businesses Working  Groups (Industry and Advisory)

This takes forward initiatives from the Review of Tax Administration for larger businesses completed in 2021.

Forums starting with ‘S’

Groups and forums

Securitisation Industry Working Group

This group discusses developments in the securitisation market and considers the effectiveness of tax policy on securitisation.

Securitisation Industry Working Group - The Trusted Advisors Group

This is a subgroup of the Securitisation Industry Working Group.

Shares and Assets Valuation Forum

The forum provides opportunity for the valuation industry professionals to share best practice.

Share Schemes Forum

This forum provides opportunity for open dialogue and collaboration between HMRC and representative bodies on a range of policy, operational and process issues relating to tax and employment-related securities (ERS).

Stamp Duty Land Tax Working Together Stakeholder Group including Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings

This group provides opportunities to discuss current issues on Stamp Duty and Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings with the aim of jointly seeking solutions to improve cooperation in operating the tax system with industry bodies and professional bodies representing conveyancers, legal, finance and tax professionals.

Stamp Taxes Shares Working Together Stakeholder Group

This group provides opportunities to discuss current issues on Stamp Duty and Stamp Duty Reserve Tax with the aim of jointly seeking solutions to improve co-operation in operating the tax system with industry bodies and professional bodies representing conveyancers and legal, finance and tax professionals.

Statutory Payment Consultation Group

This group provides an opportunity for HMRC, DWP and DBT to discuss and consult with key stakeholders on statutory payment issues. It is a subgroup of the Employment and Payroll Group.

Strategic Software Forum

This brings together colleagues from across HMRC, the government, Civil Service and the business and tax software industry to foster collaborative working practices, handle opportunities and difficulties in the tax system more effectively and improve the experiences of both customers and the industry.

Forums starting with ‘T’

Groups and forums

Tax Administration Framework Review Forum

This provides expert input to the proposed ideas and priorities for changes to the Tax Administration Framework. The forum focusses on discussing, challenging and assuring ideas to long term change of the legislation, processes and guidance underpinning HMRC’s administration of the tax system.

Tax Credits Consultation Forum

This is a channel for information and comment on operational developments or problems and their impact on tax credits, Child Benefits and Tax-Free Childcare customers, focusing on the transition of tax credits to Universal Credit with the voluntary sector, intermediaries and other organisations.

Tax Crime Alliance

This enables HMRC, professional tax advisers, and the legal and accountancy sector to share knowledge and insight of the biggest tax crime risks and work collaboratively to reduce the threat.

Taxpayer Data Standards Forum

This discusses employee and taxpayer data and data quality related issues. The use of PAYE and payroll data underpins the majority of topics covered in this forum.

Trade Partner Engagement Forum

This enables HMRC to consult early on key decisions under consideration, share wider government strategic requirements, and seek volunteers to support HMRC and wider government consultations and initiatives.

Transfer Pricing Forum

This enables exploratory discussion between HMRC and the principal advisory firms active in the UK market in relation transfer pricing, permanent establishments and Diverted Profits Tax.

Trusts and Estates Agent Advisory Group

This group discusses performance and development issues relating to trusts, estates and Inheritance Tax.

Forums starting with ‘V’

Groups and forums

Virtual Communication Group

This reviews forthcoming communications to agents and provides advice on how those will be received by the agent community. It’s an opportunity to test messages and the impact of changes to guidance, as well as new processes and policies. This monthly forum is communication channel to share matters of interest to their members through their own websites.

Forums starting with ‘W’

Groups and forums

Wealthy External Forum

This builds a co-operative relationship with external attendees from professional bodies to enable consultation and engagement with the professional representatives of wealthy customers.