
Home Decarbonisation Skills Training Competition Phase 2: clarification questions with responses (published 14 August 2023)

Updated 14 August 2023

Can funding only be used for recognised qualifications?

Funding can also be used to support delivery of non-accredited courses such as short courses or CPD style courses for insulation. This is on the basis that the training is aligned to the national occupational standards (NOS) and provided that the training meets the requirements set out in the guidance.

Successful competition projects will be expected to achieve one or more of the following competition objectives:

  • deliver installation training to National Occupational Standards, or higher as appropriate; resulting in either a formal qualification for the trainee (where available) or other demonstration of competence;
  • deliver training in the installation of energy efficiency measures included in the Work Packages (set out in the guidance section 4.1) – including training to individuals with existing skills, and training to those new to the sector;
  • provide support for training in retrofit assessor and retrofit coordinator skills to PAS 2035 standard, leading to the relevant qualification.

Who are the target groups for training?

Training is expected to be offered to new entrants and those already working in the retrofit and energy efficiency sector.

Is there a minimum value that can be applied for?

There is no minimum contract value, however we must ensure that proposals offer value for money. Applications will be assessed and reviewed in terms of both costs and the number of training places that they can deliver.

What are the funding levels?

The overall percentages of funding that can be provided to an individual project varies based on the enterprise’s size.

  • 40% total eligible costs for large enterprises
  • 50% total eligible costs for medium enterprises
  • 60% total eligible costs for small enterprises

For example if you were a small business and the course you are proposing to run costs you £1,000 to deliver, then you could apply for £600 of funding.

Do you know if the Home Decarbonisation Skills Training Competition is awarded under de-minimis and/or General Block Exception Regulation (GBQ2 ER)?

No, this is awarded under the UK Subsidy Control regime in line with The Subsidy Control Act 2022: see the UK subsidy control statutory guidance

Can we set the funding level for each qualification offered?

We expect courses to be offered subsidised at the point of access. It is up to the training provider to determine the appropriate level of subsidy to offer trainees.

What are eligible costs for trainees?

Trainee eligible costs are covered in the guidance section 5.1.

What are payment terms for delivery?

After a training provider has submitted satisfactory evidence of training completion to the Hub, they will receive payment. This is paid in arrears.

More details regarding the payment terms for each training provider’s individual circumstances will be set out in the Grant Agreement Letter for successful bidders.

Is there a minimum financial contribution expected from the delivery partner?

There is no minimum contribution expected from delivery partners. It is up to the applicants to source and provide match funding. This all needs to be included within the application and align with the funding levels set out in section 5.3 of the guidance.

What are the KPIs that training providers will be measured against?

KPIs include:

  • recruiting and training the agreed number of installers to achieve the relevant qualifications as promised in the bid
  • achieving a the minimum pass rate by the end of the HDSTC Phase 2 delivery period
  • ensure bi-weekly and monthly progress report is submitted to HDSTC team on schedule
  • demonstrate sufficient progress number of learners starters against number of installers agreed to be trained. This will be reviewed within 10 weeks of signing the Grant Letter of Agreement.

Specific KPI details regarding each training provider’s individual circumstances will be set out in the Grant Agreement Letter for successful bidders.

Is there any flexibility with the 31 March 2024 deadline?

Learners will need to complete all training by 31 March 2024, however assessment of that training and qualification issue could take place beyond 31 March 2024.