Corporate report

Core data tables (accessible version)

Published 14 July 2022

Total departmental spending , 2017-18 to 2022-23

Resource DEL (£000) 2017-18 Outturn 2018-19 Outturn 2019-20 Outturn 2020-21 Outturn 2021-22 Outturn 2022-23 Plans
Delivery - - - -   116,732          
Science, Technology, Analysis, Research and Strategy - - - - 148,986 31,149          
Crime Policing and Fire Group 8,307,985 8,621,396 8,515,469 9,568,039              
Office for Security and Counter Terrorism 891,712 927,053 1,005,080 1,007,702 # Serious and Organised Crime - 62,319 137,608 271,138    
Homeland Security         1,021,788 1,166,012          
Public Safety         10,473,220 11,385,050          
Total 9,199,697 9,610,768 9,658,157 10,846,879 11,495,008 12,551,062          
BICS PSG, Europe, International and ICI 28,282 49,163 64,547 123,588 -            
Migration & Borders         86,189 240,828          
UK Visas & Immigration -501,699 -541,574 -683,885 702,069 -            
HM Passport Office -171,526 -212,797 -171,322 -12,085 -            
Customer Service           -2,301,463          
Asylum & Protection           1,351,630          
Total -673,225 -754,371 -855,207 689,984 333,376 -949,833          
Immigration Enforcement 397,761 383,227 391,961 391,844 - -          
Border Force 500,560 533,582 616,198 686,815 - -          
Borders & Enforcement         1,183,216 1,240,422          
Total 898,321 916,809 1,008,159 1,078,659 1,183,216 1,240,442          
Enablers 898,560 878,999 1,401,127 862,419 -            
Corporate Enablers         930,203 709,479          
Digital, Data and Technology - - - 861,185 435,679 436,147          
Legal         8,312 11,154          
Communications         17,529 11,743          
Arms Length Bodies (Net) 91,246 62,389 108,217 100,074 73,076 126,559          
European Solidarity Mechanism (Net) - - - - -            
DUP - - - - -            
n/a - - - - -            
Total Resource DEL 10,442,881 10,763,757 11,385,000 14,562,788 14,711,574 14,525,462          
Of which:                      
Staff costs 1,431,902 1,575,852 1,779,988 1,867,098 2,007,041 2,179,244          
Purchase of goods and services 2,404,158 2,362,585 2,538,154 2,927,859 3,680,548 3,414,522          
Income from sales of goods and services -1,867,651 -1,969,209 -2,097,970 -1,214,940 -1,860,975 -2,340,855          
Current grants to local government (net) 8,742,938 8,892,945 9,473,876 10,552,489 10,759,739 11,729,047          
Current grants to persons and non-profit bodies (net) 33,577 195,387 145,008 162,127 119,972 127,798          
Current grants abroad (net) -35,483 -107,393 -39,245 -15,141 -30,929 -50,666          
Subsidies to private sector companies 958 - - - -            
Rentals 67,909 36,011 49,130 70,366 97,451 19,112          
Depreciation1 247,089 264,658 303,937 419,127 595,117 486,495          
Other resource -582,515 -487,079 -767,878 -206,197 -656,392 -1,039,235          
Unallocated funds - resource - - - - - -          
Resource AME                      
AME Charges 19,587 -28,386 207,553 -691 132,718 15,560          
Police and Fire Superannuation 2,477,445 2,698,443 2,371,238 2,304,824 2,515,542 2,518,600          
AME Charges Arms Length Bodies (Net) - -797 4,825 2,079 -865 -          
Total Resource AME 2,497,032 2,669,260 2,583,616 2,306,212 2,647,395 2,534,160          
Of which:                      
Current grants to local government (net) 2,496,209 2,698,443 2,371,238 2,304,822 2,515,542 2,515,600          
Net public service pensions (2) - - - - -            
Depreciation(1) - - - - -            
Take up of provisions 9,838 83,749 266,971 150,106 295,975 18,560          
Release of provision -9,321 -112,932 -54,593 -148,716 -164,122 -          
Unwinding of the discount rate on pension scheme liabilities - - - - - -          
Release of provisions covering payments of pension benefits - - - - - -          
Other resource 306 - - - - -          
Total Resource Budget 12,939,913 13,433,017 13,968,616 16,869,000 17,358,969 17,059,622          
Of which:                      
Depreciation(1) 247,089 264,658 303,937 419,127 595,117 486,500          
Capital DEL                      
Delivery         - 4,230          
Science, Technology, Analysis, Research and Strategy         41,067 37,089          
Crime Policing and Fire Group 202,126 251,161 111,375 53,845 -            
Office for Security and Counter Terrorism 103,616 112,014 104,930 105,455 -            
Serious and Organised Crime - 8,826 15,172 50,746 -            
Homeland Security         190,326 213,408          
Public Safety         181,558 202,365          
Total 305,742 372,001 231,477 210,046 371,884 415,773          
BICS PSG, Europe, International and ICI 966 1,362 2,889 109,425              
Migration & Borders         88,910 130,364          
UK Visas & Immigration 69,862 65,012 50,000 57,358 -            
HM Passport Office 16,845 38,369 40,409 44,792 -            
Customer Service           74,234          
Asylum & Protection         - -          
Total 86,707 103,381 90,409 102,150 97,248 74,234          
Immigration Enforcement 17,075 13,024 9,218 17,817 -            
Border Force 64,221 61,480 76,123 112,372 -            
Borders & Enforcement         153,936 139,904          
Total 81,296 74,504 85,341 130,189 153,936 139,904          
Enablers 97,602 129,178 289,606 48,137              
Corporate Enablers         -5,254 192,907          
Digital, Data and Technology       231,458 59,676 49,872          
Legal         - -          
Communications         2 -          
Arms Length Bodies (Net) 19,029 11,750 17,630 15,330 15,912 18,500          
European Solidarity Mechanism (Net) - - - - -            
DUP - - - -   -          
Total Capital DEL 591,342 692,176 717,352 846,735 823,381 1,062,873          
Of which:                      
Staff costs 21,926 16,382 17,283 19,815 28,738 4,123          
Purchase of goods and services 5,985 23,311 17,479 22,166 27,096 17,989          
Income from sales of goods and services -2,955 - - - - -          
Current grants to persons and non-profit bodies (net) - - - - - -          
Subsidies to private sector companies 6,011 7,176 599 -88 -90 -          
Subsidies to public corporations 8,572 7,065 10,397 10,204 15,476 -          
Capital support for local government (net) 131,140 148,894 153,483 89,305 120,231 99,111          
Capital grants to persons & non-profit bodies (net) 23,145 13,832 - 2 - -          
Capital grants to private sector companies (net) 15,758 14,329 12,508 8,655 7,742 12,228          
Capital grants abroad (net) - 141 189 4,037 2,633 -          
Purchase of assets 374,610 440,403 449,089 587,411 116,059 820,434          
Income from sales of assets -11,780 -8,039 2,895 -1,064 4,422 -10          
Other capital 18,930 28,682 53,430 106,292 501,074 108,998          
Unallocated funds - capital - - - - - -          
Capital AME                      
Police and Fire Superannuation - - - - - -          
Total Capital AME - - - - - -          
Of which:                      
Capital support for local government (net) - - - - -            
Capital grants to persons & non-profit bodies (net) - - - - -            
Total Capital Budget 591,342 692,176 717,352 846,735 823,381 1,062,873          
Total departmental spending 3 13,284,166 13,860,535 14,382,031 17,296,608 17,587,231 17,635,995          
Of which:                      
Total DEL 10,787,134 11,191,275 11,798,415 14,990,396 14,939,836 15,101,835          
Total AME 2,497,032 2,669,260 2,583,616 2,306,212 2,647,395 2,534,160          

(1) Includes impairments.

(2) Pension schemes report under FRS 17 accounting requirements.  These figures therefore include cash payments made and contributions received, as well as certain non-cash item.

(3) Total departmental spending is the sum of the resource budget and the capital budget less depreciation. Similarly, total DEL is the sum of the resource budget DEL and capital budget DEL less depreciation in DEL, and total AME is the sum of resource budget AME and capital budget AME less depreciation in AME.

Administration budget , 2017-18 to 2022-23

Resource DEL (£000) 2017-18 Outturn 2018-19 Outturn 2019-20 Outturn 2020-21 Outturn 2021-22 Outturn 2022-23 Plans
Delivery         - 37,378
Science, Technology, Analysis, Research and Strategy         46,276 18,173
Crime Policing and Fire Group 35,814 25,876 27,702 28,529 -  
Office for Security and Counter Terrorism 38,796 33,131 35,334 42,713 -  
Serious and Organised Crime   14,788 15,539 20,513 -  
Homeland Security Group         48,467 55,390
Public Safety Group         47,437 53,983
Total 74,610 73,795 78,575 91,755 95,904 109,373
BICS PSG, Europe, International and ICI 24,916 41,579 43,455 36,419 -  
Migration & Borders         24,471 27,232
UK Visas & Immigration 25,805 10,574 9,127 293 -  
HM Passport Office -3,415 2,491 6,684 373 -  
Customer Service           -
Asylum & Protection           -
Total 22,390 13,065 15,811 666 1,139 -
Immigration Enforcement 5,505 6,379 6,567 2,354 - -
Border Force 2,785 3,369 2,403 1,834 - -
Borders & Enforcement         2,445 -
Total 8,290 9,748 8,970 4,188 2,445 -
Enablers 194,521 192,227 175,332 183,561 - -
Corporate Enablers         70,324 135,118
Digital, Data and Technology       3,965 20,827 33,637
Legal         8,312 11,154
Communications         13,244 11,743
Arms Length Bodies (Net) - - - - -  
DUP - - - - -  
National Fraud Authority - - - - -  
n/a - - - - -  
Total administration budget 324,727 330,414 322,143 320,554 282,942 383,808
Of which:            
Staff costs 216,169 196,888 224,596 234,053 238,850 255,152
Purchase of goods and services 135,684 81,868 59,192 89,877 96,942 107,462
Income from sales of goods and services -2,972 -5,421 -6,538 -7,292 -4,502 -4,154
Current grants to local government (net) 261 206 - - - -
Current grants to persons and non-profit bodies (net) 344 2,810 - - 23,578 71,313
Current grants abroad (net) -44,637 -87,942 -46,406 -50,469 -63,179 -73,356
Rentals 33,484 21,361 6 -7 - -
Depreciation 10,710 26,215 23,736 3,610 3,258 19,199
Other resource -24,316 94,429 67,557 50,782 -12,005 8,192
Unallocated funds - resource - - - - -  

Outturn Year, 2021-22

2021-22 (£000)

Original plans

Resource Capital
Spending in Departmental Expenditure Limits (DEL)    
Voted expenditure 13,257,572 890,527
Of which:    
Delivery - -
STARS -214,154 84,604
Homeland Security Group 1,133,213 153,568
Public Safety Group 10,232,711 131,137
Migration & Borders 216,705 157,880
Customer Service -541,938 43,275
Borders & Enforcement 702,089 154,226
Corporate Enablers 1,277,309 39,700
Digital Data & Technology 290,281 60,200
Legal 10,578 -
Communications 16,100 500
Arms Length Bodies 134,678 15,200
DUP   50,237
Non-voted expenditure    
Total Spending in DEL 13,257,572 890,527
Spending in Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)    
Voted expenditure 2,323,259 -
Of which:    
AME Charges - -
Police and Fire Superannuation 2,323,259 -
AME Charges Arms Length Bodies (Net) - -
Of which:    
Total Spending in AME 2,323,259 -
Total 15,580,831 890,527
Of which:    
Voted expenditure 15,580,831 890,527
Non-voted expenditure    

Adjusted plans

Resource Capital
Spending in Departmental Expenditure Limits (DEL)    
Voted expenditure 1,759,826 11,283
Of which:    
Delivery - -
STARS 368,635 -41,143
Homeland Security Group -4,869 53,339
Public Safety Group 259,944 66,511
Migration & Borders -114,590 -47,103
Customer Service 1,038,330 57,690
Borders & Enforcement 546,610 31,492
Corporate Enablers -424,513 -56,498
Digital Data & Technology 88,578 -2,768
Legal - -
Communications 1,701 -
Arms Length Bodies - -
DUP - -50,237
Non-voted expenditure    
Total Spending in DEL 1,759,826 11,283
Spending in Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)    
Voted expenditure 438,676 -
Of which:    
AME Charges 243,340 -
Police and Fire Superannuation 195,336 -
AME Charges Arms Length Bodies (Net) - -
Of which:    
Total Spending in AME 438,676 -
Total 2,198,502 11,283
Of which:    
Voted expenditure 2,198,502 11,283
Non-voted expenditure    

Final plans

Resource Capital
Spending in Departmental Expenditure Limits (DEL)    
Voted expenditure 15,017,398 901,810
Of which:    
Delivery - -
STARS 154,481 43,461
Homeland Security Group 1,128,344 206,907
Public Safety Group 10,492,655 197,648
Migration & Borders 102,115 110,777
Customer Service 496,392 100,965
Borders & Enforcement 1,248,699 185,718
Corporate Enablers 852,796 -16,798
Digital Data & Technology 378,859 57,432
Legal 10,578 -
Communications 17,801 500
Arms Length Bodies 134,678 15,200
DUP - -
Non-voted expenditure    
Total Spending in DEL 15,017,398 901,810
Spending in Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)    
Voted expenditure 2,761,935 -
Of which:    
AME Charges 243,340 -
Police and Fire Superannuation 2,518,595 -
AME Charges Arms Length Bodies (Net) - -
Of which:    
Total Spending in AME 2,761,935 -
Total 17,779,333 901,810
Of which:    
Voted expenditure 17,779,333 901,810
Non-voted expenditure    


Resource Capital
Spending in Departmental Expenditure Limits (DEL)    
Voted expenditure 14,711,572 823,381
Of which:    
Delivery - -
STARS 148,986 41,067
Homeland Security Group 1,021,788 190,326
Public Safety Group 10,473,220 181,558
Migration & Borders 86,189 88,910
Customer Service 333,376 97,248
Borders & Enforcement 1,183,216 153,936
Corporate Enablers 930,203 -5,254
Digital Data & Technology 435,679 59,676
Legal 8,312 -
Communications 17,529 2
Arms Length Bodies 73,076 15,912
DUP   0
Non-voted expenditure    
Total Spending in DEL 14,711,574 823,381
Spending in Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)    
Voted expenditure 2,647,395 -
Of which:    
AME Charges 132,718 -
Police and Fire Superannuation 2,515,542 -
AME Charges Arms Length Bodies (Net) -865 -
Of which:    
Total Spending in AME 2,647,395 -
Total 17,358,969 823,381
Of which:    
Voted expenditure 17,358,969 823,381
Non-voted expenditure