Policy paper

Home Office: Care Leaver Covenant offer (accessible version)

Published 26 October 2018

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Through signing this document I commit the Home Office to support the principles of the care leaver covenant, and to provide the support detailed below to help care leavers in their transition from care to independence in order to improve their life chances.

Signature: Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP

Name: Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP

Position: Secretary of State for the Home Office

Date: 26 October 2018

Principles of the care leaver covenant

The Home Office supports the key principles of the care leaver covenant, which are:

  • That all parts of society have a responsibility to help care leavers to avoid poor outcomes and make a successful transition to adulthood.
  • That action to support care leavers should be in their best interests, promote their health and well-being and secure the best possible outcomes for them.

Demonstrating our commitment

The Home Office will demonstrate its commitment to the care leaver covenant through the following actions:

  • Providing employment opportunities to care leavers, through participating in the Civil Service care leaver internship scheme.
  • Enhancing children’s and young people’s resilience and strengthening the protective factors around them are critical strands of circumventing young people being drawn into activities involving exploitation.
  • All vulnerable young people and care leavers are able to benefit from the work that the Home Office is undertaking to help young people to develop the skills and resilience to live happy productive lives away from violence and exploitation by gangs. Our support to the police, together with a greater emphasis on early intervention, will help address these issues. We will provide £22m over the next two years through a new Early Intervention Youth Fund to work with Police and Crime Commissioners and Community Safety Partnerships to provide joined up support to youth groups and communities to support early intervention and prevention with young people.