Home Office Indicators of Integration framework 2019 third edition
This indicators framework provides practical ways to design more effective strategies, monitor services and evaluate integration interventions.
The Home Office Indicators of Integration framework (IOI) written in collaboration with leading academics from the University of Sussex, the University of Birmingham, Ulster University, and Queen Margaret University Edinburgh seeks to inform the planning, monitoring and evaluation of integration projects. The report presents a structured approach to integration in a range of local and national contexts and an evidence-based framework for developing interventions.
This framework can be used to complement a wide variety of strategies and projects across the United Kingdom, including local and national integration strategies.
A toolkit providing access to standard survey questions and measures accompanies this report to support data collection and local, national and international comparisons.
Updates to this page
Edited to make correct use of EU emblem.
Added Welsh language documents.
Third edition updates: Added missing labels 'Housing', 'Education', 'Health and Social Care', 'Leisure', 'Links' and 'Facilitators' to Figure 1, page 15; added Home Office Research Report 109, ISSN: 1756-3666 and ISBN: 978-1-78655-833-6 to back cover.
Second edition for 'Home Office Indicators of Integration framework 2019'; Phillimore, J. (2012) ‘Implementing integration in the UK; lessons for theory, policy and practice’, Policy and Politics, 40 (4), pp. 525-545 has been added to the reference list and some minor grammatical amendments have been made, and second edition for 'What works in integrating refugees'; Charsley, K., and Spencer, S. (2019) ‘Understanding integration processes: informing policy and practice’, Policy Report 44, has been added to the reference list and in-text additions have been made relating to this new reference.
First published.