
Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Programme: Year 3 VCSE Funding (2023/2024)

Information on the Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Welcome Programme Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Year 3 funding (2023/2024).

Applies to England


Regional VCSE Grant Scheme 2023/2024 Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Welcome Programme

National VCSE Grant Scheme 2023/2024 Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Welcome Programme


This grant competition has now closed. Successful grant recipients have been announced.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) is running a competitive process to fund VCSE organisations nationally and regionally to provide support to BN(O)s across the UK.

Year 1 and Year 2 of the VCSE Grant Schemes

We have previously funded organisations to provide a range of support for Hong Kong BN(O)s which has included access to mental health services, help for people to find jobs and start their own businesses, and to meet people in their local communities, as well as a hate crime reporting service for BN(O)s and all other East and Southeast Asian communities in the UK who experience or witness racism or any other forms of hate.

Future funding

As government announces a third year of support to help Hong Kongers settle into life in the UK we are inviting bids for National and Regional VCSE projects.

The total funding for the National VCSE Grant is up to £1.2 million. The funding for individual projects will range from £150,000 to £300,000 and is for UK wide support.

The total funding for the Regional VCSE Grant is up to £1.4 million across the 9 regions in England. The funding for individual projects will range from £20,000 to £40,000.

Whilst the £2.6 million grant funding competition is underway, the department is providing 3 additional months of funding for the 5 National VCSE organisations so that they can continue to provide UK wide support to BN(O)s. See further detail about these projects.


We ran 2 online webinars about the VCSE Grant Scheme competition for 2023/2024. This provided an opportunity for organisations interested in applying to hear more about the grant schemes and the application process.

See the event Q&A.


The deadline to apply for the VCSE Grant Scheme competition (2023/2024) will be 31 March 2023.

Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Programme: Q&A about the VCSE Competition 23/24

What is the application process for the schemes?

What is the application process for the schemes?

Applicants for the national and regional grant scheme should submit an application via the digital form.

Applicants should follow the process outlined in the relevant prospectus for each scheme which includes guidance about how to complete the application form.

We will not accept applications or further supporting information via email.

What is the deadline for the schemes?

The deadline to apply for the National and Regional grant schemes is 23:59 on 31 March 2023.

Can my organisation still apply if it was provided with funding in year 1 and year 2 of the Programme?

Yes, you can still apply for year 3 funding. The competition is open to any organisation that meets the eligibility criteria set out in the prospectus.

Can my organisation apply if it was unsuccessful in previous competitions for funding?

Yes, the competition is open to any organisation that meets the eligibility criteria set out in the prospectus.

Can my organisation apply for both the DLUHC national/regional grants, and also apply for Welcome Hub or other grant funded projects to support Hong Kong BN(O)s?

Organisations may wish to apply for other grants. You need to be aware that grant recipients cannot apply for or obtain duplicate funding in respect of any part of the Funded Activities that have been paid for by the grant. This will form part of the grant agreement with the department.

Can my organisation send in supplementary information or documents to support our application?

No. Unfortunately, we will not be able to consider any supplementary information. This is to ensure we run a fair and transparent process for all organisations. We will score applications based on information provided in the application form.

Further information about this is provided in part 5 of the prospectus: guidance for completing the application form.

Which type of organisations can apply for the funding?

A list of eligible organisations is provided within the prospectus.

Does my organisation need to provide 2 years of financial accounts in order to apply for the grant?

The only group that must provide 2 years of financial accounts is a community group. This is due to community groups not having to register the formation of the group and will enable the government to carry out the financial and due diligence checks we are required to perform.

How are you going to ensure that the grants are given to organisations that are safe spaces for BN(O) status holders?

DLUHC is fully aware of the potential sensitivities with regards to Hong Kong and will undertake robust due diligence procedures before awarding funding to any organisation through the Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Programme. This includes assessing the appropriateness and suitability of potential grant recipients, and their ability to deliver the support required.

Do organisations have to comply with UK GDPR and/or data protection legislation?

All organisations must comply with all data protection requirements. Organisations will be asked to confirm their compliance as part of the application process. Compliance with UK GDPR and/or data protection legislation are also a core part of all grant funding agreements offered by DLUHC.

How many organisations will be successful through the grant schemes?

National VCSE Grant: we anticipate providing funding to around 5 organisations, although this will depend on the total number that are successful and the amount they bid for, considered against the total funding within the national funding pot. The scoring process is outlined in more detail in part 4 of the prospectus.

Regional VCSE Grant: each English region is granted an allocation of funding, weighted based on the regional population of BN(O)s. The numbers of successful organisations will depend on how much applicants bid for, and the number of successful applications we receive per region. The scoring process is outlined in more detail in part 4 of the prospectus.

How are you intending to monitor and evaluate reach of the schemes?

Monitoring: each project will be expected to provide bi-monthly reports to DLUHC. The reporting forms will be provided by DLUHC and will ask for organisations to provide both qualitative and quantitative updates on their project progress.

Evaluation: each funded project will be expected to complete an evaluation at the end of the delivery period. DLUHC will provide a template for each project to complete. Successful organisations will also be asked to produce a statement of grant usage and grants above £20,000 will need to submit an independent accountant report upon completion of the grant period.

Can I use the grant funding to support the requirement to submit an independent accountant report for grants over £20,000?

Yes, you can use grant funding to support this process at reasonable market rates.

Will funding be available beyond March 2023?

The funding for all the grant schemes is available to 31 March 2024. Any future funding for the programme will be subject to the Government’s Spending Review process.

Can this funding be used to support individuals with English language needs?

Organisations can support individuals with English language needs to complement the funding that DLUHC provides to local authorities for the provision of English language support.

What is the difference between the regional and national VCSE grant scheme?

The National Scheme is open to VCSE organisations or consortiums with UK wide reach and must provide an offer to BN(O)s in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Funding range: £150,000 – £300,000.

The regional scheme is open to VCSE organisations in England only. The aim is to provide community support to BN(O) status holders in regions across England. Funding range: £20,000 – £40,000.

Can an organisation apply for the regional and national schemes?

Those organisations applying for the National VCSE Grant Scheme are eligible to apply for the Regional VCSE Grant Scheme but must present a distinct offer as part of this scheme, and vice versa.

Whilst organisations can apply for both schemes, we want to encourage organisations with local knowledge and networks to apply for the regional scheme and will be assessing on this basis. It is more likely that a larger organisation with UK-wide reach will be better placed to apply for the national scheme.

A separate application form will need to be completed per application.

Can an organisation apply for regional grants in more than one region?

Yes, however a distinct offer must be provided for each region, highlighting links to the regional priorities outlined by the Welcome Hub for that area (and set out in the prospectus).

Will you be running any promotional events so that organisations interested in bidding can find out more about the schemes?

Yes, DLUHC is planning to run events on 9 and 16 March to talk about the schemes in more detail and the application process.

We encourage those organisations that want to apply for the funding to attend these events.

You can apply to attend these events at: GOV.UK

Why are you providing additional funding to the national organisations?

Whilst the funding competition is underway, we are providing three additional months of support for the 5 national (UK-wide) organisations to continue their support for BN(O)s (subject to grant funding agreements).
Further detail about these organisations is provided on GOV.UK.

How will regional support be provided to BN(O)s whilst the competition is underway?

The government is continuing to fund the 12 Welcome Hubs across the UK to provide regional support to BN(O)s. Contact details for each Hub can be found on GOV.UK

BN(O)s can continue to access the Welcome Pack on and English language and destitution support as needed via the Local Authorities. The 5 national organisations will be continuing to provide UK wide support to BN(O)s (subject to agreeing grant funding agreements).

Can I include education resources for schools as part of my grant bid?

Whilst we welcome support that helps BN(O) families to access advice about schools and education, we are not currently accepting bids for education resources for use by teachers within the classroom.

However, we would expect that bids could cover some of the following:

  • providing advice about the school system in the UK,
  • sessions for parents or pupils about school life,
  • preparing children for going to school,
  • ensuring that information is accessible.

Event Q&A

Will the presentation from the live events be shared with attendees?

DLUHC will not be sharing a copy of the slides. The information provided in the slides is available on GOV.UK on the HK landing page and on the Y3 VCSE Grant Competition page.

Additional Q&A that covers points raised at the events is included on this webpage.

Are you able to save the application and come back to it, or does it all have to be completed at one stage?

Yes, you will be able to save the application to review later. You will be sent a link to revisit the application, so please keep this safe. A copy of all questions, with accompanying guidance, has also been published in the prospectuses on GOV.UK.

Is there more funding this year than previous years?

The total funding for the national and regional VCSE competition for 23/24 is £2.6 million. This is the same amount of funding that was available for these grant schemes in 22/23.

Once an application is approved, would the funding be released in the initial stage or on a reimbursement basis?

The Department provides funding upfront once the Grant Funding Agreement has been agreed between DLUHC and the grantee. We review the grant against the project plan during the delivery period. If an organisation is unable to deliver the project plan provided in their application, or if there is an underspend, this will be reviewed by the Department with the option to clawback the funding.

If my organisation is not registered as a charitable organisation, but the project nature is beneficial for BN(O)s, will it be considered?

Applicants can apply to the grant if they fall within one of the eligible categories listed in the prospectus, or they can demonstrate that their organisation meets the eligibility criteria in the prospectus.

Can a newly formed CIC apply for the regional VCSE grant?

Yes, a newly formed CIC can apply for the regional VCSE grant scheme. Your organisation will need to meet the criteria highlighted within the prospectus. See the prospectus for both grant schemes.

Is this application open to local churches or a group of volunteers without an affiliation?

Organisations can apply to the grant if they fall within one of the categories listed in the prospectus, or they can demonstrate that their organisation meets the eligibility criteria in the prospectus.

Will I need to form a company before I am able to apply for funding?

You cannot apply for the VCSE grant scheme as an individual. A list of eligible categories is provided within the prospectus in section 1, question 3.

Where your organisation does not fit with one of the categories provided, we would expect evidence to be provided of how the organisation meets the eligibility criteria in the prospectus.

When completing the finance section, what timeline should organisations use to forecast their budget?

We advise organisations to forecast their budget from June/July 2023 to the end of March 2024.

Could you provide further clarification on how the themes and workstrand section of the application form works (Section 8).

You do not need to complete a separate application form per project theme.

You need to complete a separate workstrand for each project theme that you select.

For example, your project may cover several themes such as mental health/wellbeing, English language, and social integration. You will need to complete a workstrand for each of these.

For example, on mental health/wellbeing you will complete the activities, timeline, numbers of BN(O)s you will reach, success measures etc for this theme.

Then select and complete further workstrands for English language and social integration.

If your activities under a theme are different, then you may want to complete two or more workstrands under one theme.

Your project may be focused on one theme only – you may therefore want to complete a few workstrands covering different activities under this theme.

There are a maximum of 10 workstrands to complete, and a minimum of 1.

How much detail is required for the governance and risk section?

There is guidance in part 5 of the prospectus about how to complete these sections, and information in part 4 about what a ‘strong’ response could cover.

For governance - this includes providing a detailed governance and risk management structure, with a clear explanation of oversight and accountability linked to job roles.

We are sharing a few links below that provide additional information about governance:

  1. General: NCVO guidance on governance
  2. For community interest companies: Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies - Chapter 9: Corporate governance
  3. For charity: Charity Governance Code
  4. For limited company (e.g., social enterprise): UK Corporate Governance Code

For risk - this includes outlining delivery and financial risks and providing mitigations to minimise any risk. There is a method of monitoring and controlling risks listed, further risk policy documents are referenced (contingency plans, risk register, anti-fraud policy etc).

What has determined the allocated breakdown of funding for the regional grant scheme?

The amount of funding per Strategic Migration Partnership region has been calculated using weighted allocations based on estimates of where BN(O)s will settle across the UK.

Is there any flexibility around funding for the regional VCSE grant schemes? Where some regions have a higher funding allocation will more projects be funded in these regions?

We do not anticipate that the regional funding allocations will change from those published in the prospectus. Yes, in regions that have a higher allocation of funding (e.g., London), there will be a higher number of projects funded overall than in regions with a smaller allocation (e.g., North East).

Where can I find information regarding the cost breakdown of projects that were previously successful from Year 1 and 2?

We will not be able to provide a cost breakdown for the funded VCSE organisations, however, see information on the projects funded in Year 1 and 2.

Is there a limit on how much we can pay our staff and or guest speakers?

There is no limit on how much you choose to pay your staff and/or external speakers, however as the grants will be funded by government, we expect costs to be justified and no higher than market rates. The application will be assessed against the value for money criteria, and examples of how an organisation can demonstrate this are provided in the prospectus.

Will we be advised to lower the target grant before or after the assessment? Or will we be evaluated based on the exact proposed amount?

In the prospectus we say – ‘Depending on the number and scale of bids received, DLUHC may ask VCSE organisations to scale up or scale down their proposals to ensure that support across the programme is complementary and fits within the overall funding range’. If this is the case, it will happen after the assessment.

If an organisation chooses to apply in more than one region, will our applications be cross examined when assessed?

Each application will be assessed independently.

Should new applicants base their projects on the activities carried out in Year 1 and 2 of the Programme?

Applicants should consider the information provided in the prospectus to support their applications for Year 3. Where they have provided support in Year 1 and 2, they should be guided by the success of their projects in meeting the needs of BN(O)s, their knowledge of the current needs of BN(O)s, and their understanding of the regional priorities provided by the Welcome Hubs.

Should applications only focus on the regional priority themes? Will organisations increase chances of success if they also deliver workstrands that fall outside of priority themes?

Projects do not have to be solely focused on the Welcome Hub priorities. Whilst this is part of the selection criteria, an organisation could evidence alignment through focusing on a priority geographical area or wider theme (such as English language or young people). We are interested in projects that respond to BN(O) need in an area, so we welcome applications that can evidence a need and how the project will meet it.

If an organisation receives external match funding, will the match funding be deducted from DLUHC’s grant?

No, it will not be deducted from the total funding provided by DLUHC. However, you must inform DLUHC of any match funding that has been secured.

What is the independent accountant report that will need to be submitted by organisations alongside the Statement of Grant Usage?

At the end of the delivery period, organisations will need to complete and return a Statement of Grant Usage. Organisations who have received grants of above £20,000 will need to provide an independent accountant report alongside this. The report provides an opinion on the reliability of the Statement of Grant Usage.

Can I apply for the VCSE grant if I have secured match funding?

Yes, you can apply for the VCSE grant, however, you must inform DLUHC of any match funding that has been secured.

Can support be provided to help BN(O)s convert qualifications to help them get jobs that match their skill sets?

Yes, organisations can provide support in this area.

We want to continue to provide support to Hong Kong BN(O)s, however the government timescales make this challenging as we wait for decisions on the VCSE grant schemes. Is there any flexibility to change the timetable?

We appreciate that the timetable for the new grant competition is a challenge for some of the regional VCSE organisations. As DLUHC must follow a formal competitive process, we will not be able to announce decisions ahead of the dates set out in the prospectus timetable.

Is employability support limited to a specific industry?

No, employability support is not limited to a specific industry, we welcome projects that support a variety of employment industries.

Can activities/events be partially funded by the VCSE grant and partially from other funding?

Yes, activities can be funded by the VCSE grant as well as match funding, however, costs that will be associated with the DLUHC grant will need to be clearly illustrated in the finance section. You will also need to communicate with DLUHC in your application form if match funding is received.

Can we charge participants for some of the support provided through our projects?

In some instances, you may wish to propose charging participants if the grant does not cover your total expenditure. The costs will need to be justified and we would expect the offer to be fair to BN(O)s, for example a sliding scale of cost depending on the need/cohort. All applications will be assessed against the value for money criteria. More detail is provided in the prospectus.

Are you looking for partnership bids, or individual organisation bids?

Consortiums are eligible to apply for the national VCSE grant, however, there needs to a lead bidder for the consortium, and the grant funding agreement with the Department will be in place with the lead organisation. The lead partner must be a charity or a community group with a charitable purpose.

If an organisation is receiving funding from the Strategic Migration Partnership to support Hong Kong BN(O)s in the interim period between DLUHC grant funding, will they still be eligible to apply for funding?

Yes, an organisation can still apply for funding if they are receiving funding from another organisation, as long as they fulfil the eligibility criteria. DLUHC will not provide duplicate funding for activities that are already being funded. Organisations must be clear about start and end dates of activity to show that there is no duplication. For example, if an organisation is delivering a HK BN(O) project for an SMP that finishes on 30 June, they could apply for DLUHC VCSE grant funding from 1 July for a similar project. However, if they are being funded for projects beyond 1 July, then any application to the DLUHC grant scheme needs to be for a separate activity although it could still be around the theme of support BN(O)s.

What activities could be included in an English language project?

You can find further details on what support could include for themes (including English Language) in Table 3 of the VCSE Regional Prospectus.

Will individuals providing language training need specific qualifications?

It will depend on the type of training. For example, formal ESOL training should be carried out by a qualified instructor, but this is not necessary for informal support such as conversation groups.

Would I be eligible to apply for funding, if I am receiving funding from other government departments?

If you fulfil the eligibility criteria, you will be able to apply for funding. DLUHC will not provide duplicate funding for activities that are funded from other sources.

Does a social enterprise need to be registered before submitting the application?

You cannot apply for the VCSE grant scheme as an individual. A list of eligible categories is provided within the prospectus in section 1, question 3.

Where your organisation does not fit with one of the categories provided, we would expect evidence to be provided of how the organisation meets the eligibility criteria in the prospectus.

If a grant applicant jointly hosted events with SMPs which would cover some expenses of those events, would the funds potentially provided by SMP be considered “external funding” or “additional funding” in the grant application form and “matching funding” or “other funding” in statement of grant usage?

In this instance the organisation would need to include the cost they would be paying for the event and be mindful that that there can be no duplicate funding for the same funded activity.

If a grant applicant jointly hired an officer with an SMP, would the SMP’s payment towards the jointly hired position be considered “external funding” or “additional funding” in the grant application form and “matching funding” or “other funding” in statement of grant usage?

As above, there could be no reference to jointly hiring a person using different government funding sources in a bid for the DLUHC VCSE grant funding. The project bid could reference the costs the organisation would be paying (for example, if this is 0.5 of a person to do x, y, z activities)

If an SMP separately wanted to hire 0.5 of a person to do separate activities x, y, z, then they would be free to do this, if it fitted with their plans and procurement rules.

If a grantee hosted an event that would ask participants to purchase tickets to cover part of the cost of the event. Would the participants’ payments be considered “income generated by the Funded Activities”?

Yes, this would be covered by ‘income generated’. In some instances, you may wish to propose charging participants if the grant does not cover your total expenditure. The costs will need to be justified and we would expect the offer to be fair to BN(O)s, for example a sliding scale of cost depending on the need/cohort. All applications will be assessed against the value for money criteria. More detail is provided in the prospectus.

Updates to this page

Published 1 March 2023
Last updated 17 March 2023 + show all updates
  1. Added Event Q&A.

  2. First published.

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