Horizon and iHorizon Psychometric analyses of the success wheel measure
This report describes the validation of the Success Wheel Measure and Motivational Screen used to measure clinical progress on the Horizon and iHorizon accredited offending behaviour programmes.
Applies to England and Wales
Horizon is a moderate-intensity accredited programme (psychological intervention) designed by HMPPS for adult men with sexual convictions. iHorizon is a shorter adapted programme, designed for individuals with convictions for downloading indecent images of children. Two new assessment measures were developed and administered as part of the clinical outcome study for Horizon and iHorizon: the Success Wheel Measure and the Horizon Motivational Scale. This study aimed to provide validation data for these newly developed measures and accompanies the uncontrolled before-after study of Horizon and iHorizon.
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Horizon and iHorizon an uncontrolled before - after study of clinical outcomes