Hornsea One Offshore Wind Farm - Variation 3
On 10 December 2014, the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change granted a Development Consent Order (DCO) for Hornsea One Offshore Wind Farm.
The pre-application, examination and DCO documents can be found on the planning inspectorate website. In February 2015, DONG Energy Wind Power A/S (“DONG energy”) took full ownership of Hornsea One Offshore Wind Farm.
The DCO authorises DONG Energy to construct and operate up to three offshore generating stations up with a total capacity of up to 1200 MW, within the Hornsea zone. The project is located approximately 120km North-West of the Lincolnshire coast. The development could comprise of up to:
- 332 wind turbine generators
- two offshore accommodation platforms
- five offshore HVAC collector substations
- two offshore HVDC converter stations
- an offshore HVAC reactive compensation substation
- subsea inter-array electrical circuits
- subsea cable connection to the shore
On 20 July 2016, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) received a request from DONG Energy to vary the Deemed Marine Licence contained within Schedules 8, 9 10 and 11 of the Hornsea One Offshore Wind Farm Order 2014 (as amended by The Hornsea One Offshore Wind Farm (Correction) Order 2015). This request was subsequently updated on 17 August 2016. This request is currently under consideration by the MMO.
The MMO decision was to vary the deemed marine licences, effective of 11 November 2016.