Housing Benefit subsidy circulars 2017
Subsidy circulars are about the money the government pays local authorities to administer Housing Benefit and other financial matters.
Housing Benefit subsidy (S) circulars give information about:
- the money the government pays local authorities in the form of a subsidy to administer Housing Benefit
- other financial matters for local authority staff
For enquiries about the distribution of circulars, email: housing.correspondenceandpqs@dwp.gov.uk
Updates to this page
Revised HB Subsidy Circular S5/2017: Removal of temporary accommodation management fee in Housing Benefit subsidy from 1 April 2017. Due to high levels of enquires by local authorities for clarification we have revised some of the wording to avoid ambiguity and included new examples for illustration. Please destroy all previous versions.
Published HB Subsidy Circular S13/2017: Indicative 2018/19 Housing Benefit administration subsidy arrangements for England, Scotland and Wales.
Added HB Subsidy circular S12/2017: Final payment for RTI BDM files issued for May 2017 to August 2017 and advance payment for RTI BDM files for September 2017 to January 2018.
Added revised HB circular S5/2017 with amended examples on pages 6 and 7 - Treatment of HB following referral to a Rent Officer.
Added revised HB circular S5/2017 with amended guidance under the heading ‘Subsidy paid’ (Paragraphs 6, 7 and 8) and ‘Calculation of HB subsidy’ (Paragraphs 15, 16 and 17) following the removal of the temporary accommodation management fee in HB Subsidy.
Added HB circular S11/2017: Additional New Burdens payments for 2017/18.
Added HB circulars S9/2017: Initial Payment for Real Time Information Bulk Data Matching Initiative 2017/18 and S10/2017: Rent Rebate Subsidy Limitation information 2017/18.
Added HB circulars S7/2017: Additional New Burdens funding to meet the costs of implementing welfare reform changes in 2017/18 and S8/2017: Payment of New Burdens relating to the Single Fraud Investigation Service Project for 2017/18.
Added HB circular S6/2017: Right Benefit Initiative 2017/18 Funding.
Added HB circular S5/2017: Removal of temporary accommodation management fee in Housing Benefit subsidy from 1 April 2017.
Added HB Circular S4/2017: New Burdens funding: Changes to Work-related Activity Group payments in Employment and Support Allowance.
Added HB circular S3/2017: 2017/18 Discretionary Housing Payments government contribution for English and Welsh local authorities.
Added Housing Benefit circular S2/2017: Final New Burdens payment 2016/17 for the Real Time Information Bulk Data Matching Initiative.
First published.