Housing First Pilot: national evaluation reports
The National Evaluation of Housing First includes a process study, a quantitative assessment of client outcomes and cost benefit analysis and will generate a number of reports over its course.
Applies to England
The pilot programme aims to develop the UK evidence base on delivering Housing First at scale by funding, and robustly evaluating, 3 pilots in the Greater Manchester, Liverpool City Region and West Midlands combined authority regional areas, with a view to informing future decisions.
The first interim process report provides the first evidence from the evaluation of the Housing First pilots. This report provides key learning and recommendations, based on 2 formative visits to each pilot and the first of 4 rounds of qualitative fieldwork. These findings are centred on pilot development, preparation and early delivery, and provide learning and recommendations at both the central and local level.
The COVID-19 report focuses on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Housing First pilots and service users, reporting findings from weekly calls during the lockdown period.
The Mobilising Housing First toolkit provides information for those looking to implement Housing First at a regional or local level. It includes examples of good practice in the pilot areas to help other services design and deliver Housing First.
The second interim report of the process evaluation of the Housing First pilots builds on the first interim report. This report is based on fieldwork which took place between December 2020 and March 2021 and is focused on the embedding of the pilot approaches in each area and the resulting key learning.
The third interim process report builds on the first and second report. It is based on fieldwork which took place which took place between October and December 2021 and focused on ongoing implementation and sustainability of the pilots along with qualitative outcomes and benefits achieved to date
The 12-month outcomes report provides evidence on the extent to which Housing First has the potential to improve the lives of clients entering and going through Housing First, reporting on clients’ outcomes 6-months and 12-months after entering the Housing First pilots.
The cost benefit analysis presents a cost benefit analysis of the 3 Housing First pilots in England, based on evidence at December 2022. It aims to build a picture of the resources committed locally, the benefits that have resulted (and are expected to result) and the extent to which the pilots have delivered value for money.
The final synthesis report is the final report of the evaluation of the Housing First pilots. The report presents a synthesis of the evidence from the process, impact and cost benefit components of the evaluation. It also draws on the findings of a programme of fidelity assessments that reviewed each pilot’s fidelity to the 7 principles that underpin the Housing First approach.
Updates to this page
Added Housing First Pilots: cost benefit analysis. Added Housing First Pilots: final synthesis report.
Added Housing First Pilots: Report on clients’ 12-month outcomes.
Added Housing First Pilots: 3rd interim process evaluation report
Added Housing First Pilots: 2nd interim process evaluation report
Added the Mobilising Housing First toolkit which provides information for those looking to implement Housing First at a regional or local level. It includes examples of good practice in the pilot areas to help other services design and deliver Housing First.
First published.