Housing zones: prospectus
This prospectus invites applications for £200 million of government funding to create housing zones to support development on brownfield land.
Applies to England
The government has announced plans to create 30 housing zones on brownfield sites across the country as part of our efforts to increase housing supply.
This prospectus sets out more detail of the funding and bidding process to create housing zones outside of London.
A London housing zones prospectus has been published by the Mayor of London and formally invites bids from London boroughs.
The housing zones programme offers the chance to unlock brownfield land that has the potential to provide viable housing schemes. This is through a combination of:
- long term investment funding
- planning simplification (eg local development orders)
- local authority leadership
- dedicated brokerage support from central government and the Advisory Team for Large Applications (ATLAS) planning support.
Central government is making available £200 million of recoverable investment funding for housing zones in England outside of London. Local authorities who submit successful proposals for housing zones will also have access to cheaper borrowing at the Public Works Loan Board’s project rate for capital infrastructure expenditure, relating to the zone in 2014 to 2015 and 2015 to 2016.
Expressions of interest must be submitted to the Homes and Communities Agency by noon 3 October 2014.