How to appeal against a child maintenance decision for CSA cases: leaflets
Guidance on how you can appeal against a child maintenance decision.
These how to appeal against a child maintenance decision leaflets are for:
- child maintenance that was worked out using the old set of rules, if you opened a child maintenance case before 3 March 2003 with the Child Support Agency (CSA) – these are called ‘1993 scheme’ cases
- child maintenance cases worked out from 3 March 2003
These leaflets tell you what you can do if you disagree with a decision we have made about how much child maintenance you must pay or how much you should get. It explains the rights you have to ask us to look at a decision again or appeal against it.
It also tells you what happens after a decision on your appeal has been made and what you can do if you disagree with that decision.
Find out more about child maintenance.