
How to complete a health certificate to export animals and animal products to Great Britain

Guidance for exporters in EU and non-EU countries on how to complete health certificates to export animals and animal products to Great Britain.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales



This guidance is for exporters in EU and non-EU countries who are exporting animals or animal products to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), the Channel Islands or Isle of Man.

It explains how to fill in a health certificate that must accompany exported goods.

Read guidance on rules importers in Great Britain must follow - these rules include what you must do as an exporter.

Updates to this page

Published 15 January 2021
Last updated 28 February 2024 show all updates
  1. The information about box I.1 has been updated to explain that the consignor/exporter of the dispatched consignment does not always need to operate from, or be based at, the premises from where the consignment is dispatched.

  2. Changed 'Place of dispatch (box I.11)' heading to 'Place of origin (box I.11)' to match how this information is presented in export health certificates.

  3. On the attachment 'How to complete a health certificate to export to Great Britain'. Have added the sentence 'EU countries need to use this box from 31 December 2023'. Under 'Entry BCP (box I.16)'.

  4. New guidance on filling in box I.5 when completing a health certificate for exporting animals and animal products to Great Britain. Providing the name and address of the person who will receive the consignment is now optional for consignments that are in transit through Great Britain.

  5. Box I.16 has been updated.

  6. Updated to explain this guidance is for exporters in EU and non-EU countries who are exporting animals or animal products to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), the Channel Islands or Isle of Man. The guidance explains how to fill in a health certificate that must accompany exported goods.

  7. First published.

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