Store a will with HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS)
A guide for people who want to store their will or codicil (an update to the will) with HM Courts and Tribunals Service.
You can use this guide to understand:
- how to store a will or codicil securely with HMCTS
- what you will need to store them
- the fee to pay for this service
Updates to this page
Updated fees information
Information about depositing a will in person has been removed as it is no longer applicable.
Added information on how long it takes to process a will storage request.
Updated the probate helpline opening hours
Updated the option to pay with a postal order
Edited the contact us section - The Probate helpline is closed on Saturdays.
addition of help with fees process
Updated guidance to reflect the new PA7ENV label that must be used when posting a will to HMCTS. Updated contact information. Updated process for arranging an appointment to store a will.
First published.