HPV vaccination pilot for men who have sex with men (MSM)
Detailed guidance, training material, leaflet and vaccination card for use in selected clinics involved in the human papillomavirus (HPV) pilot programmes for men who have sex with men (MSM).
The purpose of the HPV MSM pilot is to evaluate whether it is operationally possible and cost effective to deliver such a programme through GUM and HIV clinics. PHE is monitoring the delivery of the vaccine through a small number of invited clinics. At present, there is no national HPV vaccine programme for MSM, and so the vaccine is not available outside of the pilot clinics.
The results of the pilot will inform the potential roll out of a national programme that will benefit the whole MSM population. It is important that the pilot outcome is accurate and reliable. PHE is not actively promoting vaccination during the pilot in order to avoid increasing clinic attendances and associated costs. These could negatively impact on the evaluation of the pilot, and affect the decision to roll out a future national programme.
At this time, PHE therefore encourages patients to continue attending GUM and HIV clinics where they normally receive care.
The detailed guidance and slide set are aimed at healthcare professionals involved in the HPV for MSM pilot. The pilots are taking place in selected GUM and HIV clinics in England from 2016.
The clinical and operational guidance document includes information on:
- aims and objectives of the pilot
- eligibility
- administration, dosage and vaccination schedule
- vaccine supply and stock management
- Patient Specific Directions (PSDs)
- vaccine coverage data collection
- funding arrangements
- communications and training resources
- patient questionnaire
The guidance for health professionals document includes information on:
- background to the pilot
- vaccine eligibility
- vaccine administration
- programme delivery
The slideset provides information on:
- background to the supply of the vaccine
- eligibility for the vaccine
- how to reconstitute the vaccine
- how to administer the vaccine
The leaflet and record card are for MSM, up to and including 45 years of age, who are offered the HPV vaccine as part of the pilot programme.
The poster, leaflet and record card are available to order from the DH health and social care orderline.
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Updates to this page
Published 31 May 2016Last updated 12 June 2017 + show all updates
Added 'HPV vaccination for MSM pilot - poster'.
Added Newcastle clinic to MSM HPV pilot sites.
Updated confirmed participating clinic list.
Additional sites in Birmingham and Solihull added to HPV MSM pilot
List of participating clinics and pilot details updated.
Added Swindon and Wiltshire and Manchester to list of MSM pilot sites
New clinics added.
New publication added
Added clinical and operational guidance for the HPV and MSM pilot.
Guidance document and traning slide set for the HPV MSM pilot.
Vaccination card for HPV vaccination pilot MSM
First published.