HS2 Phase 2a property scheme maps: West Midlands to Crewe
Maps, broken down by area, show where the boundaries lie for the Phase 2a property schemes, covering the West Midlands to Crewe.
You may be able to sell your property to the government at its market (‘unblighted’) value or receive a lump-sum payment if it’s near the proposed High Speed Two (HS2) route.
The property scheme you’re eligible for depends on the location of your property. These maps show where the boundaries lie for the various HS2 property schemes for Phase 2a.
Please be aware that some of these maps are very large and may take some time to download depending on your internet connection and speed, and the hardware or device you are using.
Should you experience any problems, please contact the HS2 helpdesk:
HS2 helpdesk
High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd
Two Snowhill
Snow Hill Queensway
B4 6GA
The helpdesk team are unable to transfer calls internally to HS2 Ltd members of staff.
Updates to this page
Safeguarding and property scheme maps for Weston and Basford have been updated following the issue of revised Safeguarding Directions on the P2b Western Leg in June 2022.
Weston and Basford updated
All maps updated with latest data
Rural Support Zone and Homeowner Payment Zones widened in places to reflect policy change.
First published.